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  1. bakkerman

    Carton Of Beer Into A Keg?

    CO2 is heavier than air, open keg, shot of CO2, gently pour in VERY cold beer. If you're carefull you should have a blanket of CO2 over it. I gree with Devo though, why....
  2. bakkerman

    Max Priming Sugar For Belgian Strong?

    I've primed Duvel with 9 gr a litre of sugar. I let them carb up for a week, then chilled them for 5 weeks between 3 and 1 degrees. I'ts heavily primed, but no gusher so far. The chilling dissolves the CO2 into the liquid. I think that's the trick.
  3. bakkerman

    Alcohol And Brain Damage

    I'm waiting for the research that proclaims beer reduces waist size as well.....
  4. bakkerman


    Burping you do when you crash carbonate, which is not an option as you said you don't have co2. If you prime your keg with some sugar you will get some deposit, but if you chill the keg and let is settle you will draw that out with the first few beers, and NOT need a co2 bottle immediately...
  5. bakkerman


    If you keg it with priming sugar / malt it will be under CO2, no different to botteling realy....
  6. bakkerman

    The Horror, The Horror...

    This is a fair point, and it is up to us / the consumers to vote with our purses. If we like it, we drink it, if not the brewer has no reason to brew it. I do think it is sad that the only way brewers can tap into new markets is through making beers sweeter / blander / easier on the palate. On...
  7. bakkerman

    The Horror, The Horror...

    They're not allowed to call stuff like that beer in Germany, It has to be labeled as a "beer like beverage" I believe. Alas here you can get away with calling it beer legally :(
  8. bakkerman

    State Of The Art New Home Brewing System

    All that for a mere 35K USD :blink: How many HERMS would that furnish i wonder.. ok, not copper clad for aesthetic design.
  9. bakkerman

    Hand-pumped Ales @ The Nags Head Hotel. 03/08/07

    Sounds fantastic... strangely curious about the Blackberry Wit... Will be there!
  10. bakkerman

    Happy Goblin Brewery

    Cool, will have to pick some up then when i get the kids from school! Good luck mate!
  11. bakkerman

    How Do You Clean Your Hop Sock

    I soak mine in napisan overnight directy after the brew. It still a funny shade of green but the holes are open. :blink:
  12. bakkerman

    Flavour Additions For A Belgian Pale Ale

    I wouldn't crush the star anise, it will give off plenty of flavour. As for the cumquats, maybe slice them in 2, but nothing more. Have you considered adding cardamom? one pod can give a nice kick. Good luck! BM
  13. bakkerman

    Bottles In Sydney

    Had a thought, I was having dinner and beers at UNA's on broadway not too long ago, and they serve all these wonderfull weizens from 1/2 liter bottles. I saw them chucking em all in the recycling bin. Might be worth your while popping in there, I'm sure they won't mind.
  14. bakkerman

    Blue Bottle Beer.

    50 Dollars for a membership and a T shirt? :unsure: How do you become a member of a brewery :blink:
  15. bakkerman

    Oatmeal Stout Question / Recipe

    Nope, they're pre gelatinated! Just add them in with the rest of the grist.
  16. bakkerman

    Wheely Bin Porta Keg these are the guys that rent them out. It is a great idea... Must order a green bin from the council for the garden waste.. :rolleyes:
  17. bakkerman

    Yeast - Why Is Dry Working Better?

    Let's face it, dried yeasts are easier to use and cheaper, and if you prefer that then there's nothing wrong with that!
  18. bakkerman


    I have used shredded and dried licorice root in brews with good result, but to add it to nearly every brew??? I have only heard of it used as a flavouring, no other reason. For stout and porter you can also add some treacle, and that give's a licorice taste.
  19. bakkerman

    How Old Were U When U Had Your First Beer?

    I remeber sipping the foam from my dad's glass as a nipper, and going down to the pub with him as a 12 year around a cycling event (Legal in Holland :P ). It was a real right of passage to get a Kleintje (thimble sized beer) and drink with the men! (not legal in Holland :rolleyes: )
  20. bakkerman

    Help With A Cherry Beer

    Belgian breweries use up to 1KG of krieken / cherries per 5 liters. Just give the cherries a thorough wash and remove the stalks. No need to remove the stones as they impart some almondy flavour, and add after primary fermentation has finished. Cherries go pretty well with a Brown flemish ale...