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  1. beerdrinkingbob


    Not sure what's doing but clearly Austin is trying to boost his post count.... :P Welcome aboard Harpo, you a kits, extract or all grain man?
  2. beerdrinkingbob

    Stratco insulated roof sheet (non-beer related)

    you have already, from what i read he has a 4 x 1 sheet that he has a pic of in post 1
  3. beerdrinkingbob

    The fallen...

    the is another forum for the banished.....aussie owned to boot!!!
  4. beerdrinkingbob

    Bulk Priming?

    I used to do the same thing, another good tip is if you have a sederment reducer have facing 90 degrees to the tap, creates a nice whirlpool/mixing motion.
  5. beerdrinkingbob

    Whats In The Glass

    Oatmeal Stout, been in the keg two months, going down a treat with spag bowl for dinner :drinks:
  6. beerdrinkingbob

    dry yeast rehydrating tip - avoid yeast clumps

    the wider the jug the less likely you will need to worry, got me thinkin.....
  7. beerdrinkingbob

    gas and beer line clamps

    Wire cutters work well, just do one side about 50% then the other, etc etc.
  8. beerdrinkingbob

    Is aircon copper tubing a different size to plumbing tube?- Chiller

    don't get too excited, every time i've callled them for the last 12 months, they have none in stock
  9. beerdrinkingbob

    No Chill only 40 min boil required?

    Get some best pilsner malt and give it a crack and report back :ph34r:
  10. beerdrinkingbob

    Flow Restrictor Taps vs Forward Sealing

    KBB, how sure is your source, only reason i say that is the SS flow control are coming soon line has been thrown around for years now.. Cheers Bdb
  11. beerdrinkingbob

    Flow Restrictor Taps vs Forward Sealing

    the perlick flow restrictors are great can't fault them and I don't miss all those coils of beer line......another good point is if you over carb whilst force carbing, then its no big deal
  12. beerdrinkingbob

    Nice vs harsh bitterness

    The AA% is a moot point IMO
  13. beerdrinkingbob

    Nice vs harsh bitterness

    A good rule is the higher the Co-Humulone the harsher the bitterness, the best bittering hops are low in Co-Humulone. Some good examples are warrior around 24% and magnum, one of the worst is Galaxy 35% :huh: Edit, please excuse the speedy type font!!
  14. beerdrinkingbob

    Cubes - Air seeping in after cooled.

    you using a drum spanner mate!!
  15. beerdrinkingbob

    Just doughed in my first AG!

    well done mate, it's your window to weight gain....... :chug:
  16. beerdrinkingbob

    diluting batches

    go for it as others say, i would back off the dilution to 1.046 though, nothing wrong with a keg almost full or a couple less bottles for full strength beers.
  17. beerdrinkingbob

    3068 starter need a lot of head space?

    chill it mate, it doesn't just drop out yeast it also drops out other not so tasty compounds in suspension, you will still have enough yeast for style.
  18. beerdrinkingbob

    2012 Hop Plantations

    the key to hop growth and flowers IMO is plenty of water (daily, sometimes twice) and lots manure!! Found my cascade to be a sensitive soul but once the above in check it flowered nicely....
  19. beerdrinkingbob

    WLP002. Is it Always a Lazy Bastard?

    you really need an active starter to stand any kind chance, yeast wise the the us05 is your best bet. Personally I probably wouldn't bother, I would have a crack at upping the bitterness instead to achieve the balance your looking for, far easier! Edit, just seen your doing a porter and any...