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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. kymba

    Happy Bloody Days

    Sorry all...current batch has turned out a few % stronger than anticipated, hence my drunken rantings. i don't even remember typing half the **** i've posted recently
  2. kymba

    Hops To Use - Recipe Suggestion?

    ...and bitter at 10 minutes to 35-40 IBU :rolleyes:
  3. kymba

    Hops To Use - Recipe Suggestion?

    yes especially that citra, fk it right off (to me!) serious though, here's an recipe that i do all th e time.. 95% base malt 4% carared (or any light crystal really) 1% caraaroma
  4. kymba

    2$ Shop Honey

    you sir have an amazing amount of patience. can you give some more details this mead stuff, how long / what temp does it need? no! i'm not one else does these days so you can all go get fkd! just the basic rumdown wil be fine thanks!
  5. kymba

    Happy Bloody Days

    go tropical! **** the kit off, soak some grainz, boil some hops, add teh yeasts...simple really
  6. kymba

    Happy Bloody Days

    And if you are careful there should be far less blood
  7. kymba

    Drill Press Driven Mill

    made a bigger sheave to slow this bad boy down...didn't run any grain through as it was after 10pm last night and i live in a block of units wonder how it will take the mrs to find out where the chopping boards have gone?
  8. kymba

    Show us your brewrig

    get some grain in that bitch, now!
  9. kymba

    Solution For Pump Priming Problems

    Some things i've done with success that could work for you... 1. Prime the pump backwards through your return hose, and lift the end of the hose as high as you can go. Pour water in slowly until air stops bubbling back up through your MT (use a funnel) 2. When beginning to run the pump...
  10. kymba

    Drill Press Driven Mill

    thanks for the kind words :) I can share the gear drawing for sure, however it will only work if your rollers are the same diameter as mine. This site might be a bit better as it lets you play around with different gear designs Mark that's...
  11. kymba

    Drill Press Driven Mill

    Sure, the mill rollers are made from some hardwood plank cut out with a big hole saw then threaded onto some M12 rod The gears were drawn up in cad then printed to scale and glued onto the ply. Cut them out carefully with a jigsaw
  12. kymba

    Drill Press Driven Mill

    This is what i knocked up today...if you squint it looks pretty. It is an old GMC 1/3hp drill press set at 500rpm and reduced further (but not enough). The only thing i had to do really was to chop the column to the desired height. I braced up the back of the cabinet with 12mm ply then just...
  13. kymba

    Braumeister NEXTGEN Build

    I have a small length of silicon hose that jams onto the barb to get the wort to return close to the bottom, although I couldn't find it for the maiden voyage Just thinking aloud, but I could even make a small copper sparge ring to sit on the bottom of the malt pot. When the malt pot is...
  14. kymba

    Just Out Of Interest...

    What temp is it sitting at? I'd take a reading now and tonight / tomorrow
  15. kymba

    Streamlining Brew Day Clean Up Procedure?

    truman...****! wipe your ******* urn out
  16. kymba

    Ok I'm Bored Let's Do A Speed Baib

    yeah, although I was trying to take the piss about another thread that was going off last night
  17. kymba

    Ok I'm Bored Let's Do A Speed Baib

    good work bribie! are you going to pitch now or wait and risk infection???
  18. kymba

    Braumeister NEXTGEN Build

    Ok so heres some pics of all the bits I was pretty disappointed with the cheapo element. Probably my own fault for running it full stick during mash ramps, but upon sober inspection the next day it looked like a jack russell turd and still has scorch marks on it after a sodium perc & caustic...
  19. kymba

    Braumeister NEXTGEN Build

    Here's an option for getting around the opening in the bottom of the malt pipe - don't have one. This is just some fittings mounted through the top plate thing - a chopping board with a bunch of 1.5 mm holes. It is then retained with a couple of s/s rods that span between each handle. I gave...