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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. kymba

    Piping Schematics

    nope still digging... best way i've found is to plumb straight from the MT to the the pump then have your pump push up through the HX. Mine is controlled with an cheapy REX c100 PID. pt100 temp probe is in the grist. pump is always on, its one of those green ones from craftbrewer hx pot has...
  2. kymba

    Piping Schematics

    no schematics, but make sure you get a dutch rudder...indispensable in the brewery
  3. kymba

    Gas V Electric Costs

    1) buys solar panels & errata 2) tell the power companies to gag on my cock 3) wait 8 years to pay off panels 4) profit!!! (sort of, maybe, if i haven't sold my recs already) 5) resort to stealing from 7-11's and dimmeys when my feed-in tariff is reduced, again
  4. kymba

    What Happens If You Drink Infected Beer!?

    no stress, they'll be easy to clean as long as you don't let the dregs dry out...pretty sure the smell will remind you to do such long before that happens though half fill bottle with water, invert, shake like michael j fox, done!
  5. kymba

    Christmas In July Lotto 2012

    how the **** did i miss this? when's the next one?
  6. kymba

    What Happens If You Drink Infected Beer!?

    yeah you never really answered the questions in your other thread - was it carapils or pilsner? seeing as though nothing has exploded i'd say you're safe. don't worry about the loose hops, they will settle let us know how it goes
  7. kymba

    Cold Conditioning For Too Long?

    silly, you got beer confused with women and children
  8. kymba

    Hop Rhizomes

    good well guarderred are those hop fields anyway? apart from being on a fuckarse island in the middle of antarctica, and surely they have snow wolves or some nasty **** down there border raid, anyone?
  9. kymba

    For Sale - Ag Brewery, Brisbane

    sorry to hear can you elaborate on that thick styrene insulation? how you bend so? good luck with the sale, looks well thought out
  10. kymba

    Hop Rhizomes

    i contacted oldmate in taswegia who has the rights to chance on it being released to teh public :(
  11. kymba

    Braumeister NEXTGEN Build

    Have any of you got a quote for laser cutting? They supply the stainless and you aren't left with any offcuts. Just remember you pay more per entry thinking of a disc with 4 lines cut in like this, surely you wouldn't need any other filtering plates apart from this. and get them to just etch...
  12. kymba

    Water Chemistry Gurus

    i think "santorum" would be more fitting
  13. kymba

    Rogue Yeast, In More Ways Than One...

    yeast you say - maybe it's from what he's been eating...anyone remember Toi Sennhauser?
  14. kymba

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    an s-type, apparently
  15. kymba

    Brewmate Question

    tools > options > units
  16. kymba

    How Long Can Grain Be Kept For?

    Stomps, My current on-tap batch has 2g/L of 4yo cluster. It tastes delicious (obviously qlderps are into feline urolagnia). It has been in the freezer for half that time, and in the fridge for the rest There is a BYO article on AA degradation vs storage conditions. It outlines how many more...
  17. kymba

    Getting Rid Of Acetaldehyde

    aww, Greg...please do not speak ill of our gas layers - Long live the thick, creamy, impervious blanket of CO2 that is Our Saviour & benevolent protector of our open fermentation vessels!
  18. kymba

    State Of Origin

    how can anyone say this 'series' is rigged? 1st half - coaltrain 'forgets' to put his hand on the ball while it is in-goal; 2nd half - coaltrain 3m out 'forgets' to grab the ball and run at a hole recon teh NRL will sell many tickets to the 3rd game?
  19. kymba

    Darkside Calling

    This is easy to overcome. Just brew a big batch using 100% base malt and bitter lightly with a neutral, high AA hop that is going to suit your desired styles. When you open a cube up to ferment, draw off 4 or so litres, bring to the boil and add the aroma and bitterness charges. You can also...