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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. kymba

    Temp Sensor For 1v System

    Yeah the local companies couldn't be farked dealing with us 'pain in the arse' customers One place wanted $20 postage to stick an rtd probe in a ******* envelope So I ended up buying the exact same **** from China for 2 ******* dollars inc. delivery
  2. kymba

    Braumeister NEXTGEN Build

    you could also use termimesh, but as above you would need a support frame just saw this on ebay -
  3. kymba

    Sunshine Coast Brewery Bar At Maroochydore?

    a must for the porter - just so happens that a pint of rye esb & maybe a quick summer ale can be had in that time
  4. kymba

    How Long Will Hop Rhizomes Last In The Fridge?

    I kept my rhizomes from smurto in the veggie crisper, 2 of them were all frozed up when i eventually pulled them out - i think they spent about a month in there. No worries though, they survived that episode and made lots of hops
  5. kymba

    Yeast Starters

    as previously suggested - the first 4 results from doctor google ( ) reveals information such as:- from The quality of your homebrew can be dramatically improved by making a yeast starter. Home brewers often toss a packet or vial...
  6. kymba

    Eoi: 3/4" Ss Hosetail

    hey i drunkenly bought a 3/4" SS hosetail from it is yours if you send me a tallie of non-stout
  7. kymba

    Heavy Keg Scratching

    if you are worried about it just don't fill it up to the grindings and be careful of sloshing when you shift it?
  8. kymba

    1/2" Stainless Motorised Ball Vales

    Sounds like ultra bling Andy - look forward to seeing the end product. definitely interested in the 4 ssr's - are they the fostecs?
  9. kymba

    44 Gallon Plastic Drums

    Never had any rats, just the mice. Grain in the garage is stored in a a dead fridge, and unopened grain sacks in the storage unit are stored in 90L rubbermaid roughneck containers - i think they were from bunnings. haven't had mice chew through either anyways, try the local directories, -...
  10. kymba

    44 Gallon Plastic Drums

    Hey gav try the yandina feed barn (or any feed barn really) - they had some for sale when i was in there last. Maybe give them a ring, old matey said that they get container deliveries every week or so. Even if they don't have a 44 size they'd be able to get you one
  11. kymba

    3 Valve Brewery Design

    why do you need to recirc the hlt?
  12. kymba

    Does Your Home Brew Have An Effect On You?

    anything over 8g/L of late hops really mellows me out - a different pissed for sure
  13. kymba

    Scales For Hops

    Not a truer word has ever been said
  14. kymba

    Recirculating Single Vessel Breweries

    awesome work - if you could fix that lid to the inner basket you could 'force' recirculate
  15. kymba

    Recirculating Single Vessel Breweries

    yeah i've found the bag clogs up with fine particles when you constantly recirculate, and is the main reason i'm going towards a BM style rig i found that limiting the amount of mash steps to about 2 and only recircing when raising the temps helped a bit - so i would go from a 67 mash in for...
  16. kymba

    Scales For Hops

    got mine from jaycar for about $20. measures up to 100g with 0.01g resolution i find it also comes in handy for measuring kettle flocculants, mash salts & meth
  17. kymba

    Fat Yak Biab

    and now it is funny to see the nongs who 'dislike the shift' do their thing. apparently all AG beer isn't equal
  18. kymba


    looks like a good candidate for a quick stripping run
  19. kymba

    What Happens If You Drink Infected Beer!?

    yep hop pellets are about $10/90g from site sponsors - however you can get 3 pounds (about 1.36kg) landed from the USA for about $50. as for when to add the hops you have to decide what you want from them flavour - boil with your steeped grain juice and some malt for about 10 minutes - say 2...
  20. kymba

    What Happens If You Drink Infected Beer!?

    i would have said do it again, but with more hops than just a teabag - aren't they only 12g or something? try for something like 45g boiled for a few minutes with your steeping grain juice and some malt, as per your other thread and yeah also try what petesbrew said - same kit & malt, diff...