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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. C

    How Do You Think It Will Taste?

    I just put down another brew just wondering what people will think it will taste like. It was a can off coopers pale, 1kg off light malt, 500g off wheat malt and about 250g off dextrose boiled in 5 litres off water with about 15g off por hops for 40 mins then pitched it with us05 yeast...
  2. C

    Coopers Pale Ale Clone

    just wondering if anyone had a coopers pale ale recipe or something similar?
  3. C

    Gas In Keg

    thanks fellas i let him no.
  4. C

    Gas In Keg

    I just wanted to no if anyone knows how to release the gas out off a 50L keg and how to hook it up to a gas line my dad got givin one from a mate who got it off his mate from a microbrewy and wants to start using it instead off the 19L ones.
  5. C

    What Yeast Comes With Morgans Blue Mtn Lager?

    i to just did a bml with 250g off dlme 250g corn syrup and about 700g off dextrose its sg was 1046 its been eight days and its down to 1015 but has seemed to have stopped fermenting is the fg about right or should it finish a bit lower?
  6. C

    Any Suggestions

    does the weight off the yeast matter as the kit yeast is 6g and the us05 is 11.5g?
  7. C

    Any Suggestions

    im about to put down another brew im using morgans blue mountain larger 250g off dlme 250g off corn syrup and i was thinking off adding 750g off dextrose and im going to use the kit yeast has any one got any suggestions on anything i could add or anything i shouldnt add?
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    Full Strength Beer?

    i was just curious if i make a brew with a 1.5kg can and a 1.5kg malt extract would it make a full strength beer or would i need to add more fermentables to it?
  9. C

    Tinny Taste

    i just had my first taste off my first homebrew it was just a k4k everything tastes fine except its got a tinny taste to it just wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what it may be. It was brewed at 20-22 deg it was in the fermenter for 2 weeks and its been in the bottle 4 3 weeks it was a...
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    New Brew

    thanx manticle your imput is verry helpful as i said im new to this so all the imformation i can get is helping me learn. And ive got alot to learn cheers ill try tis recipe.
  11. C

    New Brew

    ive only brewed one beer so far im new at homebrewin it was a muntons blonde kit but i also used a malt exract and added a hops tea bag its been bottled but havent tasted it yet. I like a variety off beers i like all off the above you have listeded i like brown, amber, orange. golden and pale i...
  12. C

    New Brew

    i am about to put down another brew in the next couple off days just wondering if any one had any suggestions on a good recipe that i could use. I like all types off beers except for black beers. Any suggestions?
  13. C

    Carbonation In Bottles

    just wondering on how long i takes to see the carbonation in the bottles or if you dont see it at all until you open one?
  14. C

    White Goo At Bottom Off Fermenter

    thanks everyone for your replys you have all been verry helpful. how hard would it be to learn off other peoples experience without the internet? buy the way thanks again cheers. :icon_chickcheers:
  15. C

    White Goo At Bottom Off Fermenter

    thanx i will have a read off that.
  16. C

    White Goo At Bottom Off Fermenter

    is this normal?
  17. C

    White Goo At Bottom Off Fermenter

    i just bottled my first home brew when i got to the bottom of the batch there was a thick layer off white goo at the bottom just wondering if this was normal? I thought it might be the yeast that has settled and clarified the brew but not sure im new at this so not sure whats normal and whats not.
  18. C

    My Fg Not Moving

    thanks to everyone that gave me advice you have all been very helpful. Il do what you suggested and give it a few days and test it again if there is no change ill bottle it thanx again.
  19. C

    My Fg Not Moving

    it was with a hydrometer. So does that mean my brew is no good now? Should i wait and see what happens and bottle it or should i unforunatly turf it?
  20. C

    My Fg Not Moving

    i used a 1.5kg kit can and a 1.5 kg liquid malt extract and i also added one off those hops in a tea bag looking thing. it was a recipe that the owner off the brew shop gave me but i dont think he knows what he is doing. im only just beginning so i dont realy no what im doing.