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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Malted

    No Topic Thread

    To my eye, most of the roof structure looks real but the columns and everything below it are modelled?
  2. Malted

    how to keep your yeast starter warm in winter

    So I would assume you wouldn't put ice in your whisky. :D
  3. Malted

    Brewology Brew Rig.

    I thought it might have been 'Trauma man', so I Googled that. The results were quite disturbing.
  4. Malted

    Braumeister NEXTGEN Build

    It has been said before and I'll say it again. Fitting pumps into your system could use a stainless pipe union like this: It is sort of hard plumbed and sort of not. No worries about leakage as it is sort of hard plumbed but easy to get out because it isn't exactly hard plumbed. It makes...
  5. Malted

    Its on....a new leader ALP?

    Sequence of events my friend. Was that the election where the general public thought they had voted a party leader in (Kevin 07) but he was later disposed by members within his party and subsequently, or in reaction to, the voting public then decided in the next election that they didn't have...
  6. Malted

    Its on....a new leader ALP?

    Indeed that IS how it works, it may not be the public perception though. Generally I would say voting is largely influenced by who the party has elected as their leader prior to voting.
  7. Malted

    Its on....a new leader ALP?

    I think there are aspects of any parties policies that are not so good and I don't claim to know them all. The Abbott camp are probably going to do some stuff I won't like. However, I believe their plans for expansion of agriculture and industry in northern Australia will have far reaching and...
  8. Malted

    Its on....a new leader ALP?

    Perhaps the general populace thought they voted Kevin 07 in?
  9. Malted

    Polypins.. Anyone use them?

    Cheers for that. Note to self 'Malted, do not leave plastic items soaking in PBW for extended periods!'
  10. Malted

    Polypins.. Anyone use them?

    I am not sure that I like my BCF collapsible water containers anymore The taps get hard to turn and the handle snaps off them. This was after I soaked them in PBW solution for some time. Maybe PBW...
  11. Malted

    No Topic Thread

    Was that the thread about excessive use of educmacated language? It sure was shaping up to be jolly good fun. I am sad that it is gone.
  12. Malted

    Upgrading To 3 Tap Font

    I have a series 3 kegerator, 3 tap font from kegking. The taps are those spring loaded ABS jobbies which were good until my sister broke one (they don't much care for being pushed backwards). Perlick taps do not fit the font - the plastic stuff has been made with a different thread. Bugger...
  13. Malted

    Purchasing 50l Braumeister

    I am pretty sure I squeezed 16.5kg into my 50L recently. Mashed in a bit and then mashed in a bit more until it was all in. The flow through the grist was quite restricted and I was therefore worried about the potential for scorching to occur. It did not want to sparge either and I had to stir...
  14. Malted

    What undersink Filter

    So you have said the water is hard which is generally excessive mineral salts such as calcium and magnesium ions and your soap has a hard time lathering. If this is the case it would be the hardness that is leaving marks on your shower screen. Chlorine is not likely to make marks on your shower...
  15. Malted

    Finally Out Of Hospital

    It is wonderful to hear that things are improving for you and your family.
  16. Malted

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    Ah I see what you fellows are saying, grain getting sucked out the bottom. DeGarre - I thought you meant the grain floating out the top when the liquid level was over the top of the top filter plate, this is what I was talking about. It sounds like a fairly reasonable proposition that when...
  17. Malted

    My Other

    No. Please note that the reference to tasty was crossed out in your quote. Also note that little was also crossed out. :P Almost there. A double batch of beer without hops and a fruit wine have been brewed and are waiting for some action. :super:
  18. Malted

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    Generally yes as it did not pass through the filter plate and filter screen anymore than it would normally. The water level was only above the malt pipe when the pumps were in the pump rest (i.e. not operating). I should not think they would 'float out' any more rapidly than if they were pumped...