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  1. beerbrewer76543

    Yeast Of The Week- 3/11/10 - Wyeast 3068

    I prefer this yeast to the 3638 Bavarian Wheat Balancing the clove and banana to your desired levels is the trickiest thing with this yeast I have found so far: More clove: Mash rest 45*C Low banana: high oxygen wort, big yeast starter, cool ferment say 16*C High banana: low oxygen wort...
  2. beerbrewer76543

    System Wars / Anhc 2010

    How about an electric element under false floor, recirculating BIAB with ramp/soak PID controller and overhead pulley? (this is what I am building - apartment brewer) :beerbang:
  3. beerbrewer76543

    Auberins Pid

    Hey all, I recieved my PID last week Just looking for some advice on setting up the base line paramaters See below for what I've come up with and please point out any errors Cheers :beer:
  4. beerbrewer76543

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Conical fermenter in Perth for $350 on Gumtree no afilliation ect ect have a pleasant afternoon
  5. beerbrewer76543

    Great Speciality Malt And Hop Combos

    caramalt and amarillo ;)
  6. beerbrewer76543

    Yeast Of The Week- 29/09/10 - Wyeast 1469-pc

    From what I have gathered this yeast likes very good aeration and lots of rousing or it can under attenuate or stall
  7. beerbrewer76543

    Building The Bee Hives In Pictures

    That is flippin awesome! I lerv dem honeyzzz :icon_drool2:
  8. beerbrewer76543

    Bogan Pride

    *sits back with popcorn and watches flame war* :P
  9. beerbrewer76543

    Bogan Pride

    Just a bit of fun to see how many brewers are epic bogans :P
  10. beerbrewer76543

    Style Of The Week 13/9/06 - Weizen

    Les, do you have a link to that Protz/Wheeler recipe / any more details on it? Cheers :beer:
  11. beerbrewer76543

    Imperial Triple 16%

    Step mashing for a long period around 60 deg C will promote maltose production and a step up to 70 deg C will allow the alpha amylase to convert any remaining long starch chains into fermentable sugars... This brew strong podcast covers the topic of enzymes and mashing temps: LINKY Cheers :beer:
  12. beerbrewer76543

    Cider- Fresh Juice Or Not

    Woolworths (in Perth at least) have Apple and Pear juice 3L x2 on special, save about $4... That's almost half price! edit: special is on this week
  13. beerbrewer76543

    You Can't Keep A Violent Drunk Down

    These sort of chaps make Northbridge so enjoyable... <_<
  14. beerbrewer76543

    3x 19l Kegs $185

    DON'T TEMPT ME FRODO JIMBOLEH!!! I dare not take this ring keg :P
  15. beerbrewer76543

    RecipeDB - Altbier that isn't

    What is the reference to Altbier for? It's as much an Altbier as NickJD's no wheat beer is a Weizen... :ph34r: May as well call it a belgian that isn't...
  16. beerbrewer76543

    Speidels Braumeister. Impressive Yes. Expensive Yes.

    I read somewhere a bloke was getting the following efficiency numbers: 65% no sparge 75% 5L sparge 85% 5L sparge plus stirring during mash and sparge Seeing 75% is achievable with relative ease I may end up swinging over to a similar design instead of a HERMS, that way I can brew in my...
  17. beerbrewer76543

    Ginger Beer - Golden Syrup?

    so how is this one looking?
  18. beerbrewer76543

    Crony Keg Advice

    is it an old crony? :P