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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    One good tap, one gushing tap

    Why not swap each line over to the other keg and see if the taps are the same? If they are I would be looking at the foaming one for a fault.
  2. B

    why oh why!

    I was in Japan recently. They use creamer taps and the last 2 inches of the glass is head. At the prices they charge I would have liked to get a beer with a normal head on it.
  3. B

    How Long to Oxygenate wort?

    What type of oxygen supply do you have and where did you get it from? Bob
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    Android brewing apps for tablet, anything decent out there?

    Did you ever manage to do this? The list of ingredients seems to have a lot missing, Bob
  5. B

    Bottle carbonation

    Thanks for the replies. I had forgotten how much I used to use in a 750ml bottle!
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    Bottle carbonation

    I have not bottled for some years because kegging is easier. Also I dry hop in the keg. But now I want to bottle a brew which does not need dry hopping. I am using 500ml bottles and I will be using dextrose. How much of it will I need per bottle? Old age is a bummer. Any advice...
  7. B

    Kamado goes tapas

    Another believer here, but still feeling my way. Great chooks.
  8. B

    Japan (with kids) - Where to go ?

    Wife and I are also going in April but after Easter. Still in time for the cherry blossoms though.
  9. B

    Crown Urn: volume undershot by 6L

    Am I right to assume I've lost about 400ml per kg of grain? I boiled off 5.5L in 90 mins being 3.7L per hour or about 11.5%? That is a good boil off percentage, I don't understand your statement "At 30 mins I was down to 30 odd litres and I put my 60 min hop addition in and continued on."...
  10. B

    How many litres did you brew in 2014?

    1159l into 61 kegs, had to ditch two brews.
  11. B

    Crown Urn: volume undershot by 6L

    Yes, you do need to figure in your loss to trub. 10% loss to evaporation is a good starting figure. For your total mash volume of 43.72, put in 5 litres less and add after mashout. If you use boiling water you won't take as long to reach your boil. I would still like to know how you measure...
  12. B

    Crown Urn: volume undershot by 6L

    How do you measure the water that Brewmate tells you that you need for the mash, and how do you measure your trub? 4l of trub sounds a bit much to me, I use 3.3 in my recipe and often have less than that. Also, 6 litres is a very big loss. Is your urn insulated? Makes a definite difference...
  13. B

    Rookie Questions Galore.

    Before you take that hydrometer test bleed off enough wort to clear the yeast that is dropping out of solution out of your tap. If you don't you will know what I am talking about.
  14. B

    Broken Sight Glass

    Yep, looks like the big green shed is on my list for tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestions.
  15. B

    Broken Sight Glass

    I was thinking more along the lines of leaving the sight glass fitting in place and bogging up the hole where the sight glass used to sit. Don't want to put in a temp probe because my bag will get caught on it.
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    Broken Sight Glass

    Today whilst giving my urn a vigorous outside clean I managed to break the sight glass. I am not too worried as I don't use the thing. Was wondering what I could use to plug the hole? All I have to hand is some Selleys All Clear (multipurpose co-polymer sealant) or some Blue Tac (which I hate...
  17. B

    Smoking Meat...

    Thanks for that Danwood, sounds great, can't wait to give it a try.
  18. B

    Smoking Meat...

    Could you give us a recipe for those perchance?
  19. B

    Free Bottles - Brisbane

    I have 5 dozen 750 ml crown seal bottles to give away or dump. They are either XXXX or CUB, no twist tops. Most are fairly dusty on the outside but are good inside, no mould. I am located in Birkdale.