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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. jacknohe

    RecipeDB - Lord Nelson Citra Cascading out of this Galaxy Pale Ale

    Yes, I know what you mean. Hadn't put my finger on it until I read your post above. NS doesn't like to share. I made a beer with even additions of NS and Motueka. Sounds delish, but the blend to my tastes wasn't good at all...
  2. jacknohe

    Co2 Cylinder Options For Northern Beaches, Sydney

    Called BigBen and discussed the deal and options etc. I'll go with the renting option for a year and see how we go. Cheers All.
  3. jacknohe

    Co2 Cylinder Options For Northern Beaches, Sydney

    It certainly sounds good. $60+ GST ($66) and $20+GST ($22) refills. And this makes the refill cost even more appealing. Yes, just weighing up Ownership vs Renting now. I can see benefits of both. SpeedGas in Manly Vale quoted a new 6kg (D size) for $220 (I asume ex GST) plus $35 refills...
  4. jacknohe

    Asketh And Ye Shall Receive

    Good timing on this one! I've been perceiving alot of my beers to be just a little too sweet lately. I'm definitely gonna try some brews at these lower temps.
  5. jacknohe

    Co2 Cylinder Options For Northern Beaches, Sydney

    Thanks Guys. I'll check the other options out. A quick look at the web sites of SpeedGas and StarGas shows other options such as CO2 & Nitrogen blends. Do Homebrewers bother with this? Or is straight CO2 good enough?
  6. jacknohe

    Co2 Cylinder Options For Northern Beaches, Sydney

    Hi All I'm looking at getting into Kegging. Need to sort out the most ideal CO2 gas cylinder options considering my location for the purposes of purchasing and refills/swapping. So far I'm looking at "MyKegOnLegs" and "Keg King". Any others I should really consider? MyKegOnLegs 6.8kg...
  7. jacknohe

    Instruct Me In Refractometer Usage

    I love my Refrac! Its Orsum. I got one that only reads in BRIX but have found it works well for me. Like others mention above, I don't bother with trying to cool down the sample before placing drops on the prism which was a reason I bought one. The only times I use the Refrac are: - Post...
  8. jacknohe

    Noob Looking Into Kegging

    God stuff Blakie. I've been looking at going the way of the Keg for a while now. Need to get the costs lined up and understand how/where I will set it up at home before telling (i.e. asking really nicely) SWMBO about the Keg plan :lol: . I'm keen to start simple and add-on over time so your...
  9. jacknohe

    Bottle Caps

    I've been using crown seals (caps) on twist top bottles for years now without issue. Like what Cosmic Bertie says, have the capping bell just above the bottle + cap (assuming you have a bench capper). You should be able to just slide the bottle under with the cap on. Pull down steady but...
  10. jacknohe

    Pitching Dry Yeast ?

    I've started re-hydrating my dry yeast in my last four brews as per the instructions on CB. I haven't done a full on test and compared. But... from my recent experience, rehydrating has made a massive improvement in consistency of yeast esters, or lack of. Very clean brews. Maybe its just...
  11. jacknohe

    Best Bitter - To Dry Hop, Or Not To Dry Hop

    Thanks all. Bombs (plugs) away... Yeah I was mucking around with the Cararoma. Nevemind. You Brew (live) and learn...
  12. jacknohe

    Best Bitter - To Dry Hop, Or Not To Dry Hop

    Hi All I've been trying a few new combos of malts, hops, and yeasts. In this one I'm using Ringwood Ale yeast (can't get hold of that magical 1469PC) and I've read it provides some distinct esters. Its almost fermented out and I'm thinking of adding another 2 x plugs of Styrian Goldings as a...
  13. jacknohe

    Over Hopped My Brew

    You haven't started fermenting yet? If so, I reckon you could save it. I think what you do depends on your initial grain bill and your bittering addition times etc. But some options as I see it: - Do another mash/boil of the same grain bill (for 10L) and combine to make it a 20L brew. - Get...
  14. jacknohe

    Can I Warm (possibly Get More Carbonation) In Chilled, Bottled Beer?

    I gentley invert the bottle three times and if required a gentle shake when the bottle is upside down to loosen the sediment. I do this to rouse what yeast I have in the bottle and to make sure the sugar is moved around also. Particulalry if I've chilled first then found that it wasn't carbed...
  15. jacknohe

    Can I Warm (possibly Get More Carbonation) In Chilled, Bottled Beer?

    Hi Clutch. The answer from my experience is yes. I do this all the time but with glass bottles. I often misjudge my carb levels and refrigerate too early but then just warm them up again. Living in Sydney with my beers stacked in the coldest room of the house (under SWMBO's orders) I have the...
  16. jacknohe

    Late Hopping And No Chilling Guide

    Thanks Argon. I've been following (lurking) your "No Chill" posts and findings for some time. I've experienced the same issue of no or very little aroma with the no chill approach. I've usually just steered away from particular styles that had Flameout additions. A good dry hopping usually...
  17. jacknohe

    Moving From Kit/partial --> Ag, Need Ideas For Setup

    Can't comment on the system you linked. Looks cool. Really depends on your budget and how big you want to go. For me, I went from kits/extracts to AG with a 40L Crown Urn and BIAB. Cost was low for a nice simple entry into AG. It was already assembled, apart from some insulation I cut out...
  18. jacknohe

    Epic Pale Ale Clone

    Oops, sorry. Missed this post. I didn't bother with any rests. Also, an update on this. Did a three way blind testing of my clone vs my last Epic stubbie I brought back with me from NZ. My tester (thanks Pete) had to keep his eyes closed since my chill haze would have been a give away. But...
  19. jacknohe

    Recultured Coopers Yeast - Smells Strong

    Hi All I'm in the process of making an All Grain Coopers Sparkling clone. I've recultured the Coopers yeast a number of times without issue. However this time the temperature got away on me and my starter fermented at high 20s. The esters smell rather strong to the nose. I'm confidient its...
  20. jacknohe

    Fridge Mate Or Brew Mate?

    Just bought a fridge for the purpose of brewing so I'm looking for a temp controller. Looking around on e-bay I've found this which looks similar to what has been posted here, just can't see any model number mentioned. I assume its the same...