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  1. jacknohe

    Advice On Tempreture Control

    Yeah I was nervous the first few times leaving some break in there but I've done it many times now. No issue for me.
  2. jacknohe

    RecipeDB - Choc Mint Vanilla Porter

    Hey jurule. How did this turn out? I'm interested if the mint flavour came through.
  3. jacknohe

    Advice On Tempreture Control

    As for this one, I've only just started fermenting in Willow Jerry Cans for the same reason as yourself to maximise space. Also, I'll be fermenting single batches in a bar fridge and the Jerry Can is the only thing that fits. There are some other posts regarding this method. Have a search on...
  4. jacknohe

    Advice On Tempreture Control

    Hi DuaneS Welcome to the forum. Most AHBers don't bite so feel free to post your brewing relevant questions. Regarding your question, I use a HeatPad and stand it on its side or place it on a shelf to heat the air inside the fridge. I've been using a glass (you could use plastic) 1.5L bottle...
  5. jacknohe

    Triple Batch Brew Day

    Yes, I experienced something similar the first time I did a double batch brew day. Screwed my water and boil-off calcs due to rushing and the brews were diluted a little. Luckily they turned out alright though. Tasted like Mega-Swill but drinkable. All my friends thought they were great...
  6. jacknohe

    Triple Batch Brew Day

    Yeah, I know what you mean. I've done two before and thought I'd never do that again. Oh well... Had to push through... With BIAB and one vessel (Urn) I was restricted to a sequential batch process. I can see how the three tier setup would allow for some overlap.
  7. jacknohe

    Triple Batch Brew Day

    I have four kegs (purchased from CB while the four keg special was still running :D ). Emptied the first one with lots of help at a Christmas party. The other three all blew within a few days of each other last week. I had some help with those too but... you know... Maybe not that much...
  8. jacknohe

    Craft Beer With Nelson Sauvin

    Yep, try Knappstein as its all NS and only Pilsner malt (so the rumour goes). So it will give you a good NS flavour without too much complexity. I had a bad brew with NS once, mixed it with other hops. Didn't taste too good. I went off it for a while until I tried Knappstein. Now I've made...
  9. jacknohe

    Nc 10min Ipa

    I'm about to move to fermenting in Willow 20L Jerry cans. I NC in the Jerry can and often add hops for APA or AIPA. But up till now I've poured the wort once cool into a barrel fermenter through a strainer (hop sock) and was able to remove the hop debris. Has anyone had any issues like grassy...
  10. jacknohe

    Loss Of Pressure

    Yeah, thats what I was thinking. I did the same for a while as I have more kegs than Gas hoses. So each time I connected a hose back up I could hear gas going in. Thought I had a leak but realised that the liquid was absorbing gas.
  11. jacknohe

    Loss Of Pressure

    How did you determine you had lost pressure? Did you open the relief valve and there was no sound of gas escaping?
  12. jacknohe

    Portable Keg Cooler - Bullet Bin

    Yeah it probably would if I didn't put the keg in the centre of the bin.
  13. jacknohe

    Portable Keg Cooler - Bullet Bin

    Dude, I put it off for so long. Had an Oktoberfest party at my house where we emptied 50+ tallies (long neck). That was the deciding factor. I had to pour/decant every bottle, and the clean up was a b1tch... I once read in a post on AHB referring to the cost of kegging, "... not having to...
  14. jacknohe

    Portable Keg Cooler - Bullet Bin

    So I had a party coming up in a week, I'm new to kegs, and I needed a quick cheap single portable keg cooler option. I searched around AHB and other websites trying to find a suitable option. Went to the big green shed looking for inspiration... And there she was... A 45L Push "Bullet Bin"...
  15. jacknohe

    Nc 10min Ipa

    It does feel wrong... yet so right... Well with 200g of Cascade!!! :icon_drool2:
  16. jacknohe

    On Tap @ Harts

    Sounds good! Looking forward to it. I'm rallying the troops as we speak.
  17. jacknohe

    On Tap @ Harts

    What else you got on tap today? I'm heading out tonight for some xmas drinks with the lads. Planning on taking them to Hart Pub to keep them (and especially me) away from the swill. :lol:
  18. jacknohe

    Font Mounted Cpbf For Filling Any Bottle

    That's fantastic! I've been thinking about getting a CP filler but wanted a solution for different sized/type bottles. Hmmm, this may have sold it for me. As I was reading through the post, a thought crossed my mind. I was wondering if it would be beneficial to perhaps have the CP filler on...
  19. jacknohe

    Cake Rack In A Crown Urn

    What do you use for the line?
  20. jacknohe

    Gas In Qd - Co2 Leak

    FYI - Greasing the pin in the QD and pushing it in a few times fixed the issue. Thanks for the advice.