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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. JakeSm

    Kit Recipe Guidance

    i have always used saaz in my cervezas, just 12g steaped for about 20 mins or so...have never used grains in cerveza as it doesnt have a grainy flavour just really crisp, dry and with a slight hop aroma....i use the equivalant of be2 in it. always always always makes an awesome corona,,,all you...
  2. JakeSm

    James Squire 150 Lashes Pa Recipe

    i have a recipe i have used for quite a while now where i brew the coopers draught tin with PoR hops and the equivalant of be1 sugar. thats all i used to use and the beer was absoloutly beautiful.. the draught tin is light coloured so i can acheive the colour i need when i also add the grains to...
  3. JakeSm

    American Brown Ale Receipe Help

    i think you have done everything just right, exactly how i wouldve done it. im also making a brown tomorrow (of the english/yorkshire kind) i can let you know how i go if you want..
  4. JakeSm

    Anybody Made A Grand Cuvee?

    Actually i think the murrays beer was a grand cru...thanks now i can research again. Haha
  5. JakeSm

    Anybody Made A Grand Cuvee?

    Grand cuvee to me is a high strength german lager and is a few shades darker than usual due to the extra roasted barley and grains added. It has a strong floral hop aroma and taste but not all that bitter. It is also a tad maltiet than usual. I have never really seen these beers anywhere...
  6. JakeSm

    Anybody Made A Grand Cuvee?

    Hi Everyone, i have bottled my version of a grand cuvee last week and was wondering if anyone has a recipe for one that they have done before and liked. i tryed to go for around 8-9% abv. i used: *mangrove jacks belgian ale *800g dextrose *800g Dark Dry Malt *300g maltodextrin *150g crystal...
  7. JakeSm

    Dark Ale Recipe Review

    i think if you want the rich coffee and chocolate flavour then try using RAW or BROWN sugar. also i like the idea of mixing the dark grains with the roasted barley that will work well together.
  8. JakeSm

    Northern English Ale

    with a gravityof 1012 and 2kg of malt and 450g dex i would bottle it..i would say the brew has finished and with the weather being so cold lately you wouldn't have to worry about your bottles carbonating quickly..
  9. JakeSm

    James Squire 150 Lashes Pa Recipe

    You have convinced me now and i have decided to replicate the 150 lashes also....heres what im gonna do: *1x1.7kg Coopers Draught Tin *1x1Kg Go Vita Ultra Brew (equivalent to BE2) *150g Crystal Grain *100g x My own Roasted Pearl Barley (just ask if anyone wants to know how i do this) *12g...
  10. JakeSm

    James Squire 150 Lashes Pa Recipe

    I like the idea of the daught can, it would be a much light and more basic start to te recipe..easy for you to add ingredients and taste the difference...I would probably go Pride of Ringwood instead of nelson though but thats just me.
  11. JakeSm

    Brown Ale Recipe

    Have you started this beer yet? I have come up with almost this exact recipe before and i found that the beer was pretty spot on for a newcastle brown(englsh).. If you wanted to make an american style brown i would probably not use the choc malt and add 50g of crystal also use ammerillo hops...
  12. JakeSm

    Fg - 1.018?

    just skimmed through but having a winemaker as a mentor has taught me that if a ferment has stalled than the yeast have aften runout of nutrients, therefore the yeast will try and find them in old dead yeast cells, (this is called cysteen, dont quote me on the spelling) this is often described...
  13. JakeSm

    Dark Ale Recipe Review

    i agree less is more, and im a fan of the odd old or black also...i have been trying to immitate a carlto black ever since i started brewing and the closest i got was: * 1xcoopers dark ale * 1kg Brown Sugar * 150g Dark Choc Malted Grains (steaped for 30mins) * 1x12g Bag Cascade Hops (steaped for...