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  1. JakeSm

    Coopers Celebration Ale/british Pale Ale Recipe

    Thanks corey i will check it out.
  2. JakeSm

    Coopers Celebration Ale/british Pale Ale Recipe

    Hey all, I have a friend who has been brewing for a litle while now and i have recently got him into steeping spec grains and using liquid malt extracts as sugars also. He is after a recipe that can taste something like the coopers celebration ale or a good british pale ale recipe. He is not...
  3. JakeSm

    Light Dry Malt Extract Without Diastase

    I would asume its the correct malt for fermenting beer, the diastase is an enzyme that will continue to convert all malts into sugar leaving the beer with a less than preferable mouth feel, however the diastase can be reduce when boiled but boiling dme enhances the colour of the wort the more...
  4. JakeSm

    Dunkelweizen Kit Recipe Ideas?

    Scroll down the kits and extracts page and look at my post "first go of an extract brew" cascarillo american pale ale. This was easy to do and worked really wel and tasted good when it started fermenting. Its not finished yet but is going along nicely and smells amazing. Give it a go i am also...
  5. JakeSm

    First Go At An Extract Brew.

    So what do you use to bitter it, surely a 15 min boil of cascade wouldnt bitter it enough in a full extract recipe?
  6. JakeSm

    Brew Recipe (newbie)

    Sweet, hope it all works well for you and let me know how you go with it. Cheers jake.
  7. JakeSm

    Brew Recipe (newbie)

    When using the pearl barley like this its very similar to the biscuit malts you can by but alot cheaper. Its nothing like the roasted barley you can by from the brew shop as that stuff is black and can make the wort really bittet if too much is used. With this it is sooooo cheap and you can use...
  8. JakeSm

    First Go At An Extract Brew.

    Ok thanks guys, so all in all if it has been bittered enough, do you think this recipe is going to produce a nice beer?? Cheers jake.
  9. JakeSm

    First Go At An Extract Brew.

    Ok thanks i will add more hops next time thouth i am pretty happy with this amount. What are the qualities of the above said "biscuit" and in what styles is it used in. This sounds more like my barley as the store bought stuff is quite black but mine is lightly toasted and is a very pale golden...
  10. JakeSm

    First Go At An Extract Brew.

    Hey thanks for the replies, i thought the hops were a tad low but after the 60 min addition it was quite bitter. And when it was finished and the cold water was added it was bittered enough still. The barley i roast is more like just toasted and isnt black at all its pretty golden still so...
  11. JakeSm

    First Go At An Extract Brew.

    Hi all, Just after some thoughts on my first crack at an extract brew. I came up with the recipe myself and want to know what anyone thinks i should do differently next time. Cascarillo American Amber Ale. *250g caramunich *200g medium crystal *300g my own roasted pearl Barley *1.5kg morgans...
  12. JakeSm

    What Did I Do Wrong?

    Yeah i often pour a little glass from my brews when taking a reading especially when i notice it is smelling great through the airlock. It does help to understand the stages the wort goes through in becoming the liquid gold we love.
  13. JakeSm

    Stone And Wood Pacific Ale

    Hi, just wanted to say that i worked in the pacific hotel for nearly 2 years and when we got this beer on tap there it was classed as a dessert beer as its fruity and sweet but not bitter at all. I never really liked it as its not like a normal beer. I wouldnt mind having a go at cloning now i...
  14. JakeSm

    Recipe Ideas

    I agree, the por goes really nice with the coopers apa kit, though i would just steap the 15g and leave out the dry hop 15g. the tettanger will go nicely also. Hope this goes well and let me know how it all goes. Cheers jake.
  15. JakeSm

    Brew Recipe (newbie)

    Yeah mate its a 10 min boil, thought you can do a 20 min if you like. This is the liquid tou have strained and sparged from all the grains and barley that you bring to the boil. And yes that idea of storing the hops sound pretty good.
  16. JakeSm

    Brew Recipe (newbie)

    the type of grain you use depends on the type of beer style you are trying to make. i usually use medium to light cracked crystal grain in all of my brews along with others, eg dark chocolate malted grain or roasted barley or just plain black grain for a stout. these grains help balance out the...
  17. JakeSm

    Is It Finished ?

    Ok thanks point taken, sorry for the missleading information. Though i have done this a few times while it has been wrapped in a towel and never had a problem. Cheers jake.
  18. JakeSm

    Stc 1000 In Pictures

    sorry for being a noob but i dont understand. how is the STC-1000 connected to the fridge if its rigged up seperatly (only asking as i am about to get into kegging and i do require one of these), is it the modified power cable that the fridges power cable plugs into? if so does the STC have...
  19. JakeSm

    Kegging Setups

    so can somebody please explain to me how the Co2 regualtor Gauges work, what size i would need for 2 kegs and also how to set it up to the bottle and kegs? btw, i purchased a large 2nd hand double door fridge/freezer for my set up today, any thoughts on how to build my set up would be much...
  20. JakeSm

    Brew Recipe (newbie)

    you could also try steaping say 150g of medium crystal for 30 mins at around 65C then straining and boiling with that liquid also. or in addition to the crystal grain you can add 200g of roasted barley for a slight nutty flavour to balance with your hop bill. just made and am about to start...