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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. amiddler

    Water Profiles Wanted

    I have just realised non of the lists have come through on the file. I will look into it later tonight. Sorry to those people that have down loaded the file and thought, "Gee this is $hit." Drew
  2. amiddler

    Water Profiles Wanted

    I have removed the macro's on the profiles page so they no longer sort but the calculations have been tested Vs beersmith and are all 100% spot on, presuming beersmith is correct <_< . As I said before I will not claim any accuracy with the water reports. To check your water I suggest you seek...
  3. amiddler

    Water Profiles Wanted

    I have just found that I can't upload the file. I presume because it has macros which are a part of the sort functions for the list of water profiles. Is there a way I can post the file?
  4. amiddler

    Water Profiles Wanted

    Thanks Redlegger, Just what I was after.
  5. amiddler

    Water Profiles Wanted

    Thanks Duke, PM sent.
  6. amiddler

    Water Profiles Wanted

    Hi All, As part of some Microsoft Excel training I am doing for work I am building my own water profiling tool, just like what beersmith has. If anyone has a water profile for there area that they would like included please post it here. I will offer out the file when it is completed. I did a...
  7. amiddler

    The Battered Sav Brewery Shed Build

    Comming along nicely. Is the brew area getting a roller door? If so what happens when the weather comes in and you want to brew? Lock yourself in? Drew
  8. amiddler

    High Gravity Brewing Efficiency

    As mentioned a few times above, boil longer to give you more sparge water. This is what I will be trying for my next big beer, a RIS. I think I will go the whole hog and boil for 120min. Drew
  9. amiddler

    Biab Efficiency Vs Grain Bill Graphs

    Yes correlations are high but 14% Eff drop when the SG goes up 14 points. Dropping 1% for every extra SG point you want, I think is a huge loss. Have you thought of doing a longer boil for your higher SG brews? The extra water in the mash might help your efficiency then just boil it off to get...
  10. amiddler

    Chest Freezers.

    216L Fisher and Paykel. Kezzer duties only.
  11. amiddler

    Chick Beer ,lets Hope This Never Makes It Here

    I haven't heard from you in a few weeks Triple B and you pop up to bag my brews. <_< How is the Stout comming along? Come to think of it I have never tryed any of your beer yet, you might find I have the same opinion. :drinks: Drew
  12. amiddler

    The Battered Sav Brewery Shed Build

    Sav, How are you going to screw 2 roof sheets onto 1 top hat on the ridge? I have the same idea for my back yard. 6x3m but I will have a 4m brewery and a 2m garden shed as I only have a few gardening tools to keep in it. Keep up the good work, Drewy
  13. amiddler

    Beer Made From Beer

    What temp did you preheat the strike water/beer to? Just thinking some of the alcohol in the beer might have evaporated. Did you take the SG with a Hydrometer or Refractometer? The alcohol in the beer will effect the refractometer if you used that. What effect would the alcohol have on enzyme...
  14. amiddler

    Stout Recommendation

    Are you a K&K brewer or AG Neo? K&K can't go past the Coopers Stout. AG, 75% Ale, 10% Black/Roasted, 10% Crystal (Dark or Brown) and 5% Wheat or Oats. Bitter to 30-40 IBU at 60min with Goldings or Willamette possibly add 1g/L at 15mins if you like for a little hop flavour. Drew
  15. amiddler

    Autolisised Yeast

    Nah, all food grade silicon hose. Must have been something in the cultured yeast because the other 18L has come out fine. Tasted OK before pitching so I have missed something. Drew
  16. amiddler

    Autolisised Yeast

    So possibly not Autolysis but what is it then? I split the 36L wort pitching Coopers into one and S-04 in the other. I always have a taste of the wort when growing yeast and it tasted fine going in just not as much as I hoped for. The other 18L with the S-04 is great just not as fruity as the...
  17. amiddler

    Cadel Celebration Brew

    What about a Australian Dark Ale aged on French Oak chips?
  18. amiddler

    Autolisised Yeast

    I had never though of putting the first step into the bottle. I find I can't stop at one Coopers so what ever I drink that night goes into the starter. Drew
  19. amiddler

    How To Make Pregnant Wives Love Your Homebrewing Hobby

    My not pregnant wife still hates the smell of my brewing my wort and my beer. I just don't get why not. :rolleyes:
  20. amiddler

    Autolisised Yeast

    I have never given you some of my bad beer yet. Yes I do make a bad one every now and then.