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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. S

    Where To Get Bitter Orange Peels

    Cheers big fella, will call them on Monday...
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    Where To Get Bitter Orange Peels

    Hey all, In making my last (was also my first..) witbier, I couldn't get hold of any of the bitter curacao orange peels that this style usually calls for, so I dried my own orange peels with the white stuff taken off. The result was not the best, and I put it down to the orange peels. The...
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    No Krausen In Lager Wyeasts Starters

    Hey all, I've got two starters going, one of Budval Lager and one of Bavarian Lager, I used half the yeast in each and stored the other half, and stepped up from 1 litre to two litres with intermittent shaking in between, both at room temp. I wanna drop them into an Oktoberfest and a Czech...
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    Candian Blonde

    If you want more alcohol, you can always boost it up with Dextrose, be careful not to use too much, otherwise you may get a slight soapy/washing water taste (hard to describe unless u taste it), and may take a lot of the flavour from the kit, which is a nice kit. You could always add a few...
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    Champagne Taste In Tooheys Special Brew

    Thanks guys for all your posts. I'll let it sit for a few more weeks. My FG was about 1009, checked with the hydrometer before bottling. The twang phenomenon sounds like it could be, I have had a can do unexplainable things it shouldn't before, but it could just be green as well. I'm an...
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    Champagne Taste In Tooheys Special Brew

    yeah the carb level was a bit high. The champagne taste is really full on, it tastes like beer and champagne together. Its only 2 weeks old in the bottle, but that shouldn't matter too much I would think...
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    Champagne Taste In Tooheys Special Brew

    Thanks guys, I fermented it at about 18C, it stuck at about 17C after about 8 days, It stalled at about 1020, or thereabouts, I then raised it to about 22-23C for about 4-5 days then bottled. Ingredients was the can, plus 1kg dextrose, plus 150g carapils steeped. No extra hops, just US-05...
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    Champagne Taste In Tooheys Special Brew

    Hey guys, Has anyone brewed with the Tooheys Special Brew (the blue can) and used US05 yeast? I recently bottled a batch, and it tastes like its got champagne in it. I had a stuck ferment at 17 degrees C, so I raised the temp to about 22-23C, and it fermented out, but now tastes like a...
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    Pils Recipe Using Softened Brissy Water

    Hey guys, I was after a bit of advice. I know that Pilsener Urquell use soft water as found in Plzen. Now I have been to Plzen and can say from experience that as a worldly beer lover, Pilsener Urquell on tap in Plzen, Czech Republic is probably one of the nicest beers around (just thought...
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    Oktoberfest Recipe

    Cool, thanks for that. Yeah I was actually thinking that maybe some biscuit could make it interesting as well.... Cheers for ur thoughts :) Steve
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    Oktoberfest Recipe

    Hey guys, From living in Germany for a year, I have to say their beers are among the best in the world, and in tru homebrewers style, any great beer style we try, we just have to make, well attempt to anyways. I have never made a fest beer and there's not many recipes to go off for examples...
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    Anyone Have No Chill Cubes With The Bung Drilled Out? Trouble Sealing?

    I have 5 cubes and I drilled them all out and just fit a tap to them in the no-chill, makes it easy to transfer the wort, and never had any issues at all, works a treat actually....., cleaning is no different, if not easier than a fermenter...
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    No Chill In Stock Pot

    My 2c worth, I do a 22-23L AG boil and after its boiled I have the difficult issue with syphoning the wort out of the pot after the boil, so I just scoop out the hot wort with a small jug, then when half of its in the cube, just use a bucket to transfer the rest of the very hot wort into the...
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    Another Go At A Lager

    Mate, get yourself a mashmaster (or other) temp adjuster for a brewing fridge and brew in one of them. I am in SE QLD, and in summer you need one to hold constant temps. My first lager was good ferment wise, but overhopped it. Your beers will be that much better cause you can stabilise the...
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    Brewing With Cocoa

    Fourstar: If u add hot liquid to the fermenter while its fermenting, does that not shock the yeast a bit? Yeah I added mine to the boil about 5 mins before flameout and it mixed in very well, but when I drained the cube it was a bit sludgey on the bottom, but that's no issue really. I've...
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    Brewing With Cocoa

    Hey all, Anyone got much experience on brewing with Cocoa? I am currently fermenting an AG Choc Stout at 20 degrees, gone down to about 17 with the cold weather now at day 6, all up there's 5.15kg grains, 500g Lactose, 200g cocoa. Beersmith estimates 1014FG without inputting the Cocoa into...
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    Lagering In The Primary Fermenter

    Cheers Manticle. If it was lagering on the cake for a few months, I wouldn't consider it, but if I lager one for a month at such low temps, I may give it a crack and see how it goes, for my own piece of mind if nothing else..... Thanks for the advice guys. Steve
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    Dry Hopping Amounts...

    I made a Pils with 20g saaz at the 15 and 30 min mark, then 5g at dryhop, and found the flavour to be a bit too much. Next time, I think I'll go a 20 min addition and same dryhop. Fresh Saaz is a beautiful thing, but I wouldn't overdo it.
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    Lagering In The Primary Fermenter

    So you bottle condition not cold condition?