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  1. S

    Beersmith Priming Sugar Estimates

    Thanks Felten, And bulk priming has always been pretty much spot on? No major over/under carbed? Do you just put the sugar in a small amount of hot water to dissolve it? Also, just quickly, do I use 10C ferment temp or 14C for diacetyl rest for the beer temp in calculating the sugar level...
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    Beersmith Priming Sugar Estimates

    Hey guys, I have never bulk primed before, but know ppl who have with varying degrees of gas. Beersmith has the sugar estimation at the bottom of the recipe designer, and I was just wondering if anyone has had a over/under carbonated beer by using the Beersmith priming rate? Also, I want to...
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    Putting Hops In The Bottle

    Really? well I'm glad I put the post up, thanks for letting me know. I'll dryhop in the fermenter, probably just with Cascade. Cheers mate, Steve
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    Putting Hops In The Bottle

    Hey all, I made an IPA but it got infected in the cube however I had a litre left over which I placed straight in the fridge, this did not get infected (smells and tastes good). I made a 200ml scaled down yeast starter the other day and thought I'd ferment this litre out. It appears to be...
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    Brew Fridge - The Ideal Fridge

    I use a 270L freezer with a temp controller, its great. You can stick a hot cube in there in the afternoon/evening, and its ready in the morning, you can lager at cold temperatures I believe more efficiently, can fit two fermenters in there cause you can bend (with care, and only recommended if...
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    Polyclar Question

    Thanks guys, appreciate the advice :) Steve
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    Polyclar Question

    Hi all, I've never used Polyclar but am about to start with my Pale Ale I have cold conditioning in the fridge (in primary fermenter). I have read the instructions etc and read previous posts about it etc, but have one question; I am not sure by how much the Polyclar will raise the sediment...
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    Bittering Hops For English Ales

    Yeah thats what I thought, I have only really ever used NB and EKG for bittering UK beers so am rather inexperienced in subbing hops, so thought I'd ask some experienced brewers on this topic. Was unsure if other hops may impart a harsher bitterness or anything like that. Cheers for the...
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    Bittering Hops For English Ales

    was also thinking of NB, I have a stash of it and its a relatively clean bittering hop, probably wouldn't make much of a difference really....
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    Bittering Hops For English Ales

    Cheers mate, that was my thoughts exactly, less crap in the kettle. Thanks bud!
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    Bittering Hops For English Ales

    Hi all, Was gonna make an experimental spice ale with English base malt with EKG to bitter only and was also tweaking a previous Stout and Porter recipe (a bit early, but well...), and noticed that I have always used EKG for bittering and at small amounts late in the boil. While perusing...
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    Looking For Coopers Longnecks In Se Qld

    Sweet, will do. Probably be on Sunday, but I'll call before of course. So I know how many crates to bring with me, how many bottles did u wanna get rid of? Thanks again mate, Steve
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    Looking For Coopers Longnecks In Se Qld

    Legend, where abouts are you mate? [email protected] is my email if u'd rather post there.
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    Looking For Coopers Longnecks In Se Qld

    Hey guys, I have been using and reusing about 200 VB bottles, and have not had one blow up due to carbonation to date (had them about 1.5 years), but am always suspect about busting them when jamming them into the milk crates (1 did blow up once, and made a right mess), plus surely they won't...
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    Weizens And Top Yeast

    yeah its been in the fermenter for only 5 days, and its been at FG for 2 days. Should it be right to bottle? Its my first wheat beer. Cheers, Steve
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    Weizens And Top Yeast

    Hey guys, My Dunkelweizen's been at FG for almost 3 days now, but some of the foam is still on top of the beer. Tastes pretty done. There's not much, but I can't see th beer. Do u need to wait for it all to drop back into the beer, or can I bottle it now and perhaps skim the crap off the...
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    Step Mashing Methods

    6L per kg? Gees that is thin, but I guess that includes the sparge in BIABing... Thanks for the advice/info guys, appreciate it. Steve
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    Step Mashing Methods

    Hey Manticle, Yeah I've seen the immersion heaters, but a mate of mine had a bad experience on it, he said they were sh*t, but he bought a cheap ass one from China. Is this the case, what's your opinions on them? Would be interested to hear... Steve
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    Step Mashing Methods

    Hi all, Its coming into Weizen season now, and I've been putting off doing a step mash for a while now as I'm worried i'm gonna thin the mash by using boiling water to step it up, and I'm not really keen on doing decoctions, as I don't have that much time to remove portions of the mash and do...
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    Where To Get Bitter Orange Peels

    Well cheers guys for the responses. Personally, I peeled several oranges, took the pith off and dried them in the sun till they were crisp and I had 17g. I used the same in crushed coriander seeds. Belgian Wit Wyeast and a Pils/Wheat malt base with 10g Saaz at 15 mins. I've heard the Seville...