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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Ray_Mills

    Nsw State Competion 2007

    Hi Guys As some of you are aware the IBU"s are running the NSW State Competition as well as the Nationals this year. Its a two day judging event and will be held at Bulli. We are more than welcome to have you attend and assist us in Judging and Stewarting. We hope some of you would like to come...
  2. Ray_Mills

    Nsw 2007 Homebrewing Competition

    Hi I have 2 for the day so far but will need another 2, so keep it and we will organise a delivery date Ray
  3. Ray_Mills

    Nsw 2007 Homebrewing Competition

    Gee I hope not Barry Most Poll Booths are in Schools around here, I better keep a watch out, and thats the only time i am not at markets with the dragon Lady's business. X fingers Ray
  4. Ray_Mills

    Nsw 2007 Homebrewing Competition

    Hi all Well this year if you did not know the NSW 2007 Homebrewing Competition (as well as the National Competition) will be held in Wollongong and run by the IBU's (Illawarra Brewers Union). We are looking for any Company that will be interested in Sponsorship so if you guys and girls know of...
  5. Ray_Mills

    Best Ag Plisener Recipe? Malts, Hops, Yeast Etc?

    This is a great beer, and if you dont like this pilsener you just dont like beer hehe This won the Nationals for me in 2004, and beer has not changed that much since then. Ray Category: 07. PALE LAGER Style: North German Pilsener Recipe Name: North German...
  6. Ray_Mills

    Chilli! All Things Chillies.

    Hi Crew The dragon lady makes a living out of chilli stuff, drags me to Berry market, Kama market and now Bulli market every month. We now have regular customers from all over Australia Check out the site i have made but not totally complete yet as we just sold out our new product called...
  7. Ray_Mills

    Big Ray's Big Brew Day At Ray's Again In 2007

    Hi Well the IBU's have not been quiet, we had a very good big brew day and this being the third time around and it just keeps getting bigger. Picture's are now posted on our web page. To explain a few of the pictures the dragon lady wanted the old chook pen from next do carried to our place for...
  8. Ray_Mills

    Inter Club Brewing Competition Some Thoughts Please

    Hi Well its looking not too bad, The Peakurst Guys are interested, and the Hunter Crew as well as Linz from Mcarthur. What about the inter City club, no mention from them Cheers Ray
  9. Ray_Mills

    Champagne Bottle Caps Wanted

    Oh i did not read the rest These things happen when you get old Ray
  10. Ray_Mills

    Champagne Bottle Caps Wanted

    hi Contact Alan at Northern Homebrew ay Woonona 0242 846000 He has Thousands and can mail them for you Cheers Ray
  11. Ray_Mills

    Inter Club Brewing Competition Some Thoughts Please

    Hi Crew I have been thinking of an inter club brewing competition, just thoughts for the moment, but it could work like this. I'm open for a debate here. 1. One club suggests a brew style to be made and each club who wants to enter will have 3 months to enter. 2. Before the three months are up...
  12. Ray_Mills

    Ibu's Big Brew Day 2007

    Hi Well the third Big Brew Day is on again for the IBU's, Everyone is welcome and those from the Illawarra and Regional Districts are more than welcome, even those of you in Sydney are welcome as you can catch a train to Bulli and its a short walk up the hill from the station. I have posted all...
  13. Ray_Mills

    Sour Berliner Weisse

    Finally brewing the beer next Saturday A copy of my post in the IBU's Forum Well back into real brewing This beer will sort me out and its about 3% Not much in it but a big brew day of things i have not yet tried My Berliner Weisse Here is the recipe Berliner Weisse 17-A Berliner Weisse...
  14. Ray_Mills

    What are you brewing?

    Rob I ran the recipe through Beetools Pro and it look fine. I would make some changes though 1. Being a big beer of a chocolate taste and low hops I dont think you would need all the Munich Malt and i would cut that back to around 1 kg at the most. 2. The carafa and Chocolate looks good. 3. For...
  15. Ray_Mills


    Hi Maxt I would suggest you look at the last post on this beer last week. You will see from the suggestions to do 2 things 1. No rosted barley 2. No Chocolate Carafa only I think your hops are over the top, but thats my suggestions Go to the posts...
  16. Ray_Mills

    Schwarzbier Recipe

    Hi Tony There is one thing about you and me we always agree on what ever, anyway its hard for local judges to really judge a good Schwarzbier as they have never tasted one. **** happens I have made maybe over 20 of these beers and it would be my house beer if o had the equipment to lager it...
  17. Ray_Mills

    Schwarzbier Recipe

    Hi This is a good beer to brew but you need to do a few things right first before you give it a go. The beer really is a Pilsener with a hint of datk malts and should be brewed and treated as a pilsener. It must me very clean and a crisp drinking beer, it should have no roasted tastes from dark...
  18. Ray_Mills

    Sydney 2007 Bjcp "course"

    Hi The IBU's are conducting a course in Wollongong this year starting soon, Check out the IBU's club forum Ray
  19. Ray_Mills

    Illawarra Brewers Union Xmas Drinks

    Hi all Any Illawarra brewers out there who dont know, the IBU's are having xmas drinks on Friday nite at my place. All welcome and details can be seen here Cheers Ray
  20. Ray_Mills

    Beersmith Vs Beer Tools

    Hi Before you compare what the software does, have a good look at where the software will be in the long run. I see only 2 really out there. Promash and Beertools. The Beertools guys are not new kids on the block. Their online software is second to none and they will be around for some time to...