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  1. M

    Pride Of Ringwood

    Wow , great to see this thread revived again,Irony is i hav'nt used POR in 12 months or more :rolleyes: Maybe time to get me some. Ross ,maybe you could post some notes here and anyone who samples your beer could input as well.I'd be most interested to hear.
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    Tooheys New?

    Yep the most important Chemical of all, and its the one to blame for a hangover. making beer is chemistry in motion.
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    Does Wlp300 Hefeweizen Give Off Sulphur?

    thats prolly a sign that the yeast is stressed. had it once with a 3333 wyeast strain and the beer had a taint that refused to go away,(similar to autolysis). Should be all fruit and bubble gum if its happy. give it a swirl and let it warm up (22c) and it may clean up the off characteristics...
  4. M

    English Styles

    Final Volume(ie volume into fermenter)
  5. M

    Coopers Malt Extract Cans

    Problem solvered :D
  6. M

    Coopers Malt Extract Cans

    heres an experiment for ya. Weigh it when you get it,weigh the empty can and see what you are really getting. Email coopers, they have been helpful with most queries in the past for many on here.
  7. M

    Essential Hops

    POR.Challenger.Fuggle/Willamette.Hallertau/Tettnanger. Augmented with trials of funky newer varieties. Mah's advice about the simple combo's sounds the goods as well.I have fond memories of AAA that had Simcoe@ 60,POR@ 30(bittering component), and Cascade and Hallertau combined for flava and...
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    Random Beer Name Generator

    The Landshark Formerly Known As L. Ron Hubbard's Insane Dubble
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    Abc2 Classic Albums

    Saw the Motorhead one other night. Lemmy is a ledge(end)
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    Grumpys Invades Lcpa @ Freo

    Maybe this is the T shirt you should wear you Lucky ........ :lol: :lol: :lol:
  11. M

    Squires Golden Ale

    Yeah that is aimed at the true hop heads and will be up your nose and in your face flava wise! Drop the 5 min addition and halve it to 1/2 gm per liter for flava and aroma if you are scared!
  12. M

    Rhizomes Between Seasons

    The technique you are talking about is called layering and will prolly not work as the rhizome is going dormant and pulling back all the sap and nutrients from the bines to be stored in the rhizome,making them useless for propagatition at this stage(think deciduous tree withdrawing chlorophyl...
  13. M

    English Imperial Ipa

    Man that is one GUTSY lookin IPA!!! ;) What no Fuggles in there!(just kidding) If you want to put one in a PET bottle and post to me COD ,Just say so. Go 4 it I say.
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    AG is a great medium for bartering I've found ;)
  15. M

    Single Hop Beers(info Thread)

    Cool, Looking 4 ward to seeing your sensory notes in the future.Glad to see this thread being embraced ,should be a good reference .
  16. M

    Hydroponic Hops

    I'd imagine you could, not sure of the mechanics of growing a rhizome type plant though.This thread has some interesting points.
  17. M

    Little Black Flies?

    Here is a past thread started by atngent with some info as well. get rid of em quick smart Kingy.