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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. AndrewQLD

    Heating elements - voltage control

    Wouldn't want you to waste your money, I can't see a problem with the voltage controllers you have linked to, they will allow you to regulate the voltage to your elements which in turn will reduce or increase the wattage of your elements so you can adjust the roll of the boil to your...
  2. AndrewQLD

    Coopers Yeast Starter

    Man there are some conflicting articles on that site hoppy, Here's what I could find, I assume this is the article you are referring to,, I have a feeling this...
  3. AndrewQLD

    Coopers Yeast Starter

    Really? I'd be interested to see any references you have to that information, wyeast recommend wort for yeast propagation and the one brewery I spent some time in used wort to propagate and step up their yeast cultures. Wyeast
  4. AndrewQLD

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    No beer? Not good mate, hope it's nothing serious Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. AndrewQLD

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    You're on a roll tonight Bribie, hope you're ok. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. AndrewQLD

    John Guest fittings breaking

    I really don't think these fittings are designed for a lot of movement and flexing that we put them through in the HB enviroment, I think they are designed for being in an immovable, static environment.
  7. AndrewQLD

    All in Brewing, Banyo Qld

    Awesome site they have, love the labels. What photos?
  8. AndrewQLD

    Who remembers Grumpy's

    Best. Day. Ever. That was truly an awesome experience, Pete I remember it very well, wouldn't it be great to have a reunion.
  9. AndrewQLD

    Two people suffer suspected carbon monoxide poisoning from home brew d

    No offence was taken RB, I have edited the title for clarity, unfortunately the copy and paste from the article heading was too long :blink:
  10. AndrewQLD

    Two people suffer suspected carbon monoxide poisoning from home brew d

    If the article was written stating all of the facts in a constructive and an informative nature I would agree, however as Kev pointed out it jumps around from wine making to distilling to homebrewing without actually stating exactly what caused the poisoning leaving the reader to make their own...
  11. AndrewQLD

    Two people suffer suspected carbon monoxide poisoning from home brew d

    This news story shows how facts and truth in reporting have no place in today's news reporting. It's very frustrating to read this sort of sensationalism...
  12. AndrewQLD

    AHB Beer Detective - help identify this beer

    :lol: :lol: Nice :icon_vomit:
  13. AndrewQLD

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Hopefully this is accessible now.
  14. AndrewQLD

    Birthday Drinks

    Happy birthday Pat, it's been a while, enjoy your day mate.
  15. AndrewQLD

    Gold Coast family holidays, no brewery tours :(

    Take a run up to mount tamborine, eagle heights brewery and mt tamborine brewery should give you a craft beer fix, nice cheesery there as well as heaps of crap (craft) shops for the missus.
  16. AndrewQLD

    Red IPA Grain Bill - Critique

    If you're looking for something similar in color to the IPA in my avatar then try 87% Maris Otter, 7% Crystal (140ebc), 3% Cara Aroma, 3% invert sugar. The beer had a lovely red hue.
  17. AndrewQLD

    Freaky weird-arse beers #1,000,000,000,001: gentian milk porter palooz

    Lactic acid is one of the most commonly used acids in home brewing to adjust ph although at much higher concentrations typically 88% but you only use a couple of ml. It's also possible the whey would continue to acidify during the mash as it does in cheese making. Depending on how much whey you...
  18. AndrewQLD

    Freaky weird-arse beers #1,000,000,000,001: gentian milk porter palooz

    Whey is fairly acidic so it would have helped lower your mash ph which could have improved your efficiency.
  19. AndrewQLD

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Check with the council and see what the restrictions are on the number of dogs allowed on a domestic premise, it might be different where you are but here you are not allowed more than 3 dogs, maybe they could cull the herd for you.
  20. AndrewQLD

    Birthday Drinks

    Happy birthday Winkle, I will be cracking an oaked strong belgian golden ale in your honour tonight. Hope you have a great day.