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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. pbrosnan

    Feral Hop Hog...available In Bottles

    About the best beer going 'round ATM. Bought a couple of cartons. I've had the tap at the Brass Monkey and the bottles and I don't see a big difference, it's excellent in both kinds.
  2. pbrosnan

    Lcpa Lost Its Edge?

    Not this old chestnut! I don't doubt that there is some variation in LCPA but I reckon there's far more variability between individual palates. Let's not forget that none of these assessments (except perhaps one on this thread) are carried out under controlled conditions. So before you start...
  3. pbrosnan

    Fat Yak -- Thin Yak?

    I've always thought FY was a poor imitation of Alpha. In fact I thought it has always tasted like diluted Alpha. If you want a good Australian US PA then go for Alpha or more recently Hop Hog. FY is not a good beer.
  4. pbrosnan

    Prices Slashed On Beer Styles!, And A Free Set Of Steak Knives&#33

    I'd say that all the styles are Amercanised. After all the BJCP is a creation of the US Homebrewers association and some other US wine and beer groups. The styles have been arrived at retrospectively, they aren't styles that have evolved out of the industry. Beer classification by the industry...
  5. pbrosnan

    Ever Been To Zelda's In Rockingham?

    Er ... get with the programme, relevance hasn't been a requirement for about 4 years.
  6. pbrosnan

    Wtf? Micro-brewery For Sale?

    Indeed, practicalfool is a moniker well chosen.
  7. pbrosnan

    Wtf? Micro-brewery For Sale?

    Great, another pissing contest thread.
  8. pbrosnan

    Woolshed Brewery

    Then it is a great beer, sometimes you are ahead of the game. I reckon that some of the US beers would challenge the palate around here.
  9. pbrosnan

    Dollar Reaches Parity...

    WTF is that supposed to mean?
  10. pbrosnan

    System Wars / Anhc 2010

    So they organised a pissing competition. What a highlight. You guys are suckers for a fight.
  11. pbrosnan

    You Can't Keep A Violent Drunk Down

    Certainly this comment "I reckon a few years of that policy in Australia would get the trash off the streets" seems very niave. It hasn't worked in the US and most of the "trash" here are probably not criminals per se. They are affected by alcohol and drugs and, in the case of males, a cultural...
  12. pbrosnan

    Trouble With Customs & Hops?

    Received about 2.5Kg in the mail with no issues. Customs hadn't opened the vacuum packs.
  13. pbrosnan

    Id Like To Brew A Belgian Ipa

    Agree that Ardennes is the best for this. I brew a very hoppy US Dubbel (that's what I call it) using this yeast, lots of Chinook and Cascade. The darkness comes from Caraamber.
  14. pbrosnan

    Some Very Interesting Feral Beers Soon At The Local Taphouse.

    Has anyone tried "Rust"? Had it on tap at Clancy's and it wasn't to my taste. I was surprised to learn that it's a Belgian brown. I've had a few Belgian's and this didn't taste like any of them although I may can't recall a brown specifically. It was very fruity, a bit like some English ales.
  15. pbrosnan

    Little Creatures Pale Ale - What Has Happened To It!?

    The brewery claimed yesterday that the hops are cascade and chinook. I think part of the problem is that taste is highly subjective and greatly influenced by other factors. What tastes like Gallaxy may just be a perception exclusive to you at that time. Just saw the comment from Alex T re...
  16. pbrosnan

    Little Creatures Pale Ale - What Has Happened To It!?

    Had it yesterday at the brewery and it was fine. I don't think there's been much change. It is a very hoppy beer and that's not to everyone's taste however it is meant to taste that way. That's what you get when you use a lot of Chinook and Cascade.
  17. pbrosnan

    Dollar Reaches Parity...

    Nice quote Batz, Henry Thornton?
  18. pbrosnan

    Dollar Reaches Parity...

    Thar she blows ....
  19. pbrosnan

    Dollar Reaches Parity...

    Careful or you'll get hit with a sarcasm bomb. He'll go the full distance, irony, hyper-bole. He's a hard man ... but fair.