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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. tangent

    Noobie Ag

    add fruit to your beer and be labelled a **** by the beer bigots. But I say try a brew and see for yourself, it's not arse-sex, just beer.
  2. tangent

    Drinking Heffeweizen Improves The Taste Of Malt Beers

    you're still young Adam :)
  3. tangent

    Show Us A Pic Of Ya Bottle Opener

    mate of mine has a pair of those thongs. Handy bloke to have around as long as he doesn't want to wear his thongs too much :)
  4. tangent

    Drinking Heffeweizen Improves The Taste Of Malt Beers

    still piss weak compared to HST, sorry Adam. The correct answer was fruit in Cointraeu and gin, cocaine, hash and a look at the news. Makes an oxidised CV look a bit pre-school.
  5. tangent

    No Wort Aeration, Pitching Dry Yeast Theory

    hahaha as opposed to "I agree with Darren because he looks good in high heels."
  6. tangent

    Drinking Heffeweizen Improves The Taste Of Malt Beers

    WERE the days Pumpy? That's why Schofferhofer glasses are 500ml instead of 1L (breakfast sized) ;) Sour dough rye, speck, pickled chilli and eggs anyway you like with a big glass of hefe. Brilliant way to start the day. Only person I've heard of do a better breakfast was the late Hunter S...
  7. tangent

    Australia Day Conundrum: Snag Angle

    i don't care if they're abalone and fois gras snags. If they're turd shaped and minced within intestine, it's not good enough!
  8. tangent

    Australia Day Conundrum: Snag Angle

    had an awesome BBQ at DrGonzo's with about 4 legs of lamb on webers and no stinking peasant food (snags) to be seen. why's it Aussie to eat food not good enough to eat normally unless it's minced and inserted into an intestine? Isn't it European peasant food? I thought the short movie was...
  9. tangent

    Which Conditions Faster And Why

    i think stainless steel makes a huge difference in the speed of conditioning over glass or plastic. a food chemist was telling me something about the small scratches in steel trapping fine particles, but I'm not 100% on that, as plastic looks like a bundle of barbed wire up really close so you'd...
  10. tangent

    Our Christmas Lights

    nice work :D
  11. tangent

    Beer Keg Swap

    if it wasn't a dark beer, i'd be around there now drinking it!
  12. tangent

    Style Of The Week 13/9/06 - Weizen

    Fixa, I'd drop the flaked wheat. Other than that it looks good. 60% malted wheat is spot on IMO.
  13. tangent

    What are you listening to

    Jamming at Australia Day BBQ at DrGonzo's. (my keg was emptied first :P)
  14. tangent

    Australia Day Conundrum: Snag Angle

    yeah i saw that :)
  15. tangent

    Fridge Temp Controller - Which One?

    i prefer my fridge to short-cycle rather than be trying to cool 78L of wort in one go. I leave it attached to a can of coke on top of the fermenter and set the Mashmaster Fridgemate (love it!) to 1-2C below what temp I'm after. Then I zap the side of the fermenter with the non-contact...
  16. tangent

    Filter Setup 101

    since I'm purging with CO2, I just give it a little push with some gas at the same time. Keg into keg.
  17. tangent

    What are you listening to

    PS. for our interstaters, that was Jayse at DrGonzo's after a long day :)
  18. tangent

    Australia Day Conundrum: Snag Angle

    i FN hate snags and will only eat them at BBQ's, Bunnings and pissups. I try to arrange them in an abstract representation of the map of Australia to be doubly patriotic.
  19. tangent

    Cooling Fermentor

    if you leave it open, definitely ;)