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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. adz1179

    Beer Heist

    Hey mate. Im in Shanghai at the moment for work. Found this place by accident today good, cheap beer. If your keen for some company over a beer or two give me a shout. Im at Changfeng park bit bloody cold hey...?
  2. adz1179

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    so anyways im walking around Shanghai, freezing bloody cold (about 2 deg today) and blowing a gust so it feels even colder.... turn a random corner and spot a bar: Boxing Cat Brewery. you rippa i says to myself and head on in. Its an American brew pub in the middle of the China - who would have...
  3. adz1179

    Dogfish Head Brewery

  4. adz1179

    For Sale All Grain Gear

    Copper immersion chiller. Must be about 15m of copper in this. I've never used it, but its not new. Its only dust on it, in the photo. Asking $50 Pm sent re chiller
  5. adz1179

    Dogfish Head Brewery

    Shoot me your details via PM
  6. adz1179

    Dogfish Head Brewery

    Yeah it has. On foxtel it was on discovery a few months ago and then repeated on TLC Chanel a few weeks ago. I have a digital copy if you want it... It's a great episode.
  7. adz1179

    Dogfish Head Brewery

    There are 6.
  8. adz1179

    Beer And Brew Related Videos

    Hey guy. There were 6 epps of brew masters season1. I have them all if you want a copy shoot me your details via PM.
  9. adz1179

    RecipeDB - Dark Wheat Dunkelweizen

    Tony, thanks for the recipe... an absolute cracker. Only one week in the bottle (was worried about carb level, so i opened one to be on the safe side)... bloody brilliant. best beer i have made yet. Cheers.
  10. adz1179

    Have I Overprimed?

    Oh snap. Fingers crossed. The gravity readings tasted spot on during fermentation, ill be spewin if I have rooted it. Great suggestion also raven. Cheers will give it a go.
  11. adz1179

    Have I Overprimed?

    hi, just bottled a dunkel, bulk primed with a volume of 20lts, worked out to be 170gms dex with 1 cup water.... i usually brew to end up with 20lts into the bottling cube less trub etc, but forgot this batch was a smaller volume.... I only ended up with about 46x330ml bottles, which is about...
  12. adz1179

    How Much For Beer Bottles?

    where about's are you? i have 100+ lowenbrau and other assorted green crown seals you (or anyone else) can have for free, just come and pick them up. 1hr north of Sydney.
  13. adz1179

    If Money Was No Object Would You Start A Micro Brewery?

    Nope.... But I'd have a sweet mofo of a brew rig....
  14. adz1179

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    have heard pretty bad things about this beer, but scored a 4 pack today from a supplier... is it anything special, no not really.... is it what its trying to be, yes... and not a bad attempt....... i've had worse APA's....
  15. adz1179

    Stc 1000 Temp Controller

    apologies if i have missed this in the last 20 odd pages, but i had a problem today and was curious if anyone has also had this issue.... brewing a dunkel at the moment, into the fermenting fridge this morning, all good, out we go for the day. when i got home i realised we must have had a...
  16. adz1179

    My First Ag Biab Dunkleweizen

    Pretty close! Mine is from Tony's recipe in the db scaled for my ststem Edit: damn you iPhone autocorrect
  17. adz1179

    My First Ag Biab Dunkleweizen

    its the day of the dunkel.... im brewing one right now.... BIAB also Duncanweizen 23lts wheat malt (dark) x 3,600 bo pils x 1,400 Carawheat x 400 Chocholate wheat x 100 15 mins at 52 deg 60 mins at 65 deg tett x 30gms at 45 mins tett x 15gms at 15 no chill re-cultured 3068 yeast from my...
  18. adz1179

    Wanted Test Tubes

    hippy & yeastfeast, if you dont hear from thebeeman I'm definately interested in whatever you have available.... cant find any near me.... Cheers, adz
  19. adz1179

    Basics Of Making And Using A Yeast Starter

    Thanks Wolfy. Will it last in its current form till next weekend? Just keep changing the water, get out 125ml and pitch straight in? With the leftovers that I store, and plan to use in a month or 2's time, will they need a starter?