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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. K

    What Do You Use To Stick And Remove Labels On Bottles?

    I've been using Avery inkjet mailing labels I got in Woolies (was the only ones I could get in a hurry in the desert where I live). I get them off when cleaning them for the next brew - fill up the bottle with hot pink stain solution and if your careful the label peels off (adhesive seems to...
  2. K

    I Think I F&^k'd It.. Somehow..

    Mine looked like that. I added finings, let it sit for a few days and it really cleared up for bottling. Now its carbed up and been sitting for 6 weeks its crystal clear in the glass if you don't stir the yeast up pulling it out of the fridge.
  3. K

    Gas Reg. - What Pressure Is What?

    You could try hooking up some hose to a tyre pressure gauge to convert the lpm dial to kPa/psi. The dial gauges, like Gavo said, assume more pressure = more flow, they are cheaper to make but not as accurate for flow as the floating ball type flowmeters. For those thinking of getting a welding...
  4. K

    Gas Reg. - What Pressure Is What?

    Since the supplier claims to have supplied brewers, he may know what the pressure each lpm is equavalent to on this gauge. If not I suspect there are a few brewers pulling their hair out trying to get their beer carbed up and dispensing right. I this case it might be possible to replace the lpm...
  5. K

    Jaycar Tempmaster Mk2

    Interesting it stopped when you unplugged the power for the belt, there could be some electromagnetic interference coming from the belts causing the interference to the circuit. I don't have belts so I can't check. I'm away from home for work so I can't do any measurements on my circuit till the...
  6. K

    Servicing D.A. Taps

    FYI - I was at an Andale shop today and they have service kits for their taps (new seals and springs) for around $6
  7. K

    Jaycar Tempmaster Mk2

    Another thing to try - does it chatter if you put the probe between something hot (relay should be off) then something cold (relay should be on), where the hot and cold things are say a cup of hot water and ice.
  8. K

    Other Yeasts For Cider?

    I've picked up a couple types of Vinter's Harvest wine yeast from Brewcraft that are supposed to keep fruity/residual sugars. I got BV7 and MA33 to do some small batches to see what the results are like (there are some others that my be suitable). Currently fermenting with the BV7. I also got...
  9. K

    Servicing D.A. Taps

    You'll need to unscrew the larger diameter piece with the hole in it, they are designed for using a C spanner (similar to this although you may be able to get it undone with out it (say using bench vice to hold it with padding on the...
  10. K

    Jaycar Tempmaster Mk2

    I finished mine yesterday and did some quick tests with it. I found it did the same thing on some instances, mainly when I didn't have the temp probe on the aluminium plate (thus having no 'thermal mass' to smooth out the temperature change). I'm testing mine some more before connecting the...
  11. K

    Filtered Water Or Not?

    Those may be for hard water areas - good idea too, there is a place on the South Australian Spencer Gulf where the water is that mineralised that a hot water system only lasts a few months as they scale up real bad. Even the pub struggled keeping scale of the beer glasses. Having the heat...
  12. K

    Pilsner Kit

    Note that the kit yeast for that one is a true lager yeast according to Coopers website (although variety is not disclosed). If you have 2 fermenters you could try splitting the wort between the 2 and put kit yeast in one and the euro lager in the other to compare the difference (assuming you...
  13. K

    Methods Used To Control Fermenter Temps

    Forgot to add, we only have a 50W heater, will be fine up to 30L. Experience with fish tanks is that more wattage is needed for a larger volume or very cold conditions (although given the insulation in a fridge, it probably wouldn't need too much compared to fish tank that has bugger all...
  14. K

    Methods Used To Control Fermenter Temps

    Another heating option is a submersible fish tank heater, $20 from the pet shop and clean with your preferred cleaner/sanitiser. Only problem is getting it into the fermenter. There are 2 ways of getting it in there. First (my method - warning 240V wiring involved) drill a second hole in the...
  15. K

    Gear Help Please?

    Can you measure the old beer line? It could be 4mm x 7mm
  16. K

    New Kit: Coopers European Lager

    Check it again tomorrow morning and if its still 1.008 then you can bottle. If you can't tomorrow, do it on the weekend, it will be fine if you don't open it up. Just be careful not to suck airlock water into the brew when taking your sample (you may have to ease the airlock out a little to...
  17. K

    Fermenting Seems To Be Taking A Bit Long

    My last few brews have taken up to 3 weeks to finish so no need to worry. My fermenters seal up well so I don't even bother checking the SG until the airlock levels out (still do the odd taste test for QC purposes ;))
  18. K

    Are Cascade Kits Really Crap?

    I brewed a Cascade Golden Harvest Lager in late May (brought on special), added 1kg of Coopers BE2 and 12g Hersbrucker hops (steeped for 10min then added to wort), made up to 21L and fermented at 20C over 2 weeks. Bottled 4 weeks ago and had a tallie tonight. Came out ok and goes well with food...
  19. K

    Introduce Yourself.

    Our house is well insulated, I use a spare room on the south east side of the house. Outside of the peak hot period of summer, I can keep it under 25 as we often have the air-con on. Last few weeks the fermenter has sat around 18. I've just got a temperature controller for my spare fridge so...
  20. K

    Guide To Keg Forced Carbonation.

    I did it that way on my first keg last week, left the gas on at 150kpa for a couple days. Dropped to 10psi and connected up Andale pluto gun with 3m of 4mm hose (cursed putting it on the disconnect - had to drill out some hose) and poured a near perfect beer (about 1cm too much head due to the...