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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. K

    Cans Of Goo Online?

    Wow, a Brewcraft selling Coopers. All the 6 Brewcraft shops in Adelaide don't carry them (or Morgans). Rather than sell the locally made Coopers product they push stuff like Tooheys, Black rock from NZ and the Brewcraft and Muntons from UK
  2. K

    Brigalow Brewing Sugar Mix?

    I've used the malted sugar for a few brews. From the nutrition information it roughly works out what you would get in the coopers BE2, ie25% malt, 25% maltodextrin and 50% dexrose
  3. K

    Aging Co2 Bottle - Advice Please

    I remember reading something about 'by the day' rentals from BOC when I last got gas so they may still do it. An idea (first checking if this is legal where you live, performed an job safety analysis, etc) is to organise you own refill day. Buy something like this...
  4. K

    Best Carbonation Method For No Refrigerated Keg?

    Force carbing can occur at room, its just quicker/more effective at lower temperature. If you leave the beer at room temp on the gas between 20-25psi (approx 2.2 CO2 volume - if it was cold you would have it at 8-10psi) for a week or so it will carb up to the correct level it needs to be to...
  5. K


    Try spraying with a sodium metabisulphite solution then leaving it to work with the door shut for a few hours.
  6. K

    Ordinary Response Local Home Brew Store

    Ask for polyclar when you are next there ;) I've done it at almost every HBS in Adelaide.
  7. K

    Pe Water Pipe Problems

    Are you getting the poly pipe from the garden irrigation section or the blue line type from the plumbing section?
  8. K

    Wanted: Snaplock Adapters

    If you know what thread you have on the font you could try these (p9 of the Andale catalogue says their snaplock adapters are 3/4" BSP, but check what you have first as there are some exceptions eg taipan font) They call them proloc...
  9. K

    Failed Experiment, Can It Be Salvaged?

    I'm with O'Henry, leave it for another month or 2. The hops will fade revealing more of the malt character. Even though it may be a little diluted by topping to 20L, the 500g of crystal malt flavour should still be there.
  10. K

    Users Of Polyclar

    More info on Polyclar can be found on the manufacturers website;prdId=72809
  11. K

    Silicone Tube/hose 3/4" / 19mm

    We get it at work from a lab supply place called Thermofisher but it is pretty pricy. Google with Australian results for Tubing Silicone 3/4 and you will find some options. Size for 3/4" are 1/2" ID 3/4" OD and 3/4" ID and 1" OD
  12. K

    Dry Hopping Fermenter

    I've got a keg of real ale that has a tea ball of Cascade that has been there for months, no off flavours.
  13. K

    Nitrogen For Dispensing

    I got my setup going. I have Cellamix 40 and run it at ~30psi - I used this as a reference The stout restrictor (if its like my Floryte tap) will greatly reduce the flow so in with the added flow control on the Celli you should have...
  14. K

    What Makes "fruity" Pilsiner Fruity?

    I've had fruity aroma's come off W34-70 when I fermented at ~18 (before I had temp control)
  15. K

    Questions Re: Selecting Gas And Beer Line

    In addition to the John Guest stuff, you also can get the Valpar Flexmaster and Brewmaster tubes with different numbers on them, some also have coloured stripes. Try calling someone like Andale or one of your local beverage system service techs, the locals may even have offcuts they will give...
  16. K

    Mornington Pale Ale..anybody Tried Brewing This?

    There are a few pale ale recipes going around that would probably get you close. (eg Wizard Smith's) they use a lager kit base + malt extract, some crystal malt, dry wheat malt then dry hopped with one (or more) of Citra, Amarillo, Cascade, Galaxy, Simcoe. Could also use a 1.5kg can of wheat...
  17. K

    Quick Release Fittings?

    Places that sell water filters will have the 6mm 1/4 inch JG fittings and you can get the right size tube from them as well. Quick release air compressor fittings while cheap and readily available are generally not suitable since they leak costing you a cylinder fill and flat beer.
  18. K

    Commercial Garage Brewery

    Sell the yeast to the local health food shop or local horse stables
  19. K

    Helium In Place Of Co2

    Keep it for balloons or some exotic TIG welding. For info a D size cylinder of balloon gas is $100/fill and G is $370. If its high purity then a G size is $1000.
  20. K

    10 Litre Coopers Real Ale

    It will be a lot more bitter that a stout made up to that volume, ~90 IBU. Expect the FG will to be ~1.025 so that sweetness may help balance out the bitterness and 'twang'. If you want something that will work, a popular brew (amoungst my mates) I have on tap at the moment is 1 Real Ale can...