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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. The Big Burper

    K&k Benchmark Brew

    This is an important point for our fiscally challenged (me) members of the forum. I'll be kegging my Brigalow and white sugar el cheapo brew. I'll give my opinion in a couple of weeks. Brigalow deserve a bit of support though, little Aussie battler company. :rolleyes: cheers Dave
  2. The Big Burper

    Simple Brew

    BG, I found a can of that Brigalow Club Gold at the local Woolies, $9.60 a can, plus $1.19 for a kilo of the dreaded sugar. The can states ingredients as malt, extract of cereals :huh: , hops and yeast. One interesting thing is that on the yeast sachet, it says IMPORTED FROM EUROPE. so...
  3. The Big Burper

    Coopers Brewmaster Pilsener Kit, What Yeast Is It?

    Interloper, How long did it take to ferment out? What temp? thanks Dave
  4. The Big Burper

    Brewing In Winter

    Hello dere db, I've got a clip on lid type plastic bucket thingo, :unsure: , so I just got the hole saw and put a hole in the top. Instructions on the box tell you what the hole size is. It is then dropped through the hole and the rubber bung seals it all up. cheers Dave.
  5. The Big Burper

    Going From Ag To Kit, Would Like Some Suggestions.

    BG, Glad you found it alive and well. I get a nice drop using Morgans Queensland Bitter, 200g LDME, 600g dex and a teabag of Cluster hops. I swear it tastes like Stella Artois, :unsure: but without the lagering malarkey. cheers Dave
  6. The Big Burper

    Going From Ag To Kit, Would Like Some Suggestions.

    BG, I thought the local Bribie Home Brew shop had Muntons cans, have you checked them out? cheers Dave
  7. The Big Burper

    Brewing In Winter

    This little Aussie company needs a plug. They make a fermentation heater (similar to an aquarium heater). Factory preset to 22dC, it is just the job for winter ales, and most importantly, keeps a constant temperature, no matter what. Has a bung...
  8. The Big Burper

    Best Way To Mix Ldme Into Wort Without Lumps?

    Hello dere, Just put the dry stuff in first, pour boiling water over, and pick up the fermenter and swirl, baby, swirl. This is the easiest way, you will find the malt will dissolve easily. Using a spoon definately causes lumps. If you get a slotted spoon, it makes it easier to mix in the can...
  9. The Big Burper

    Do You Pitch Dry Yeast Onto Foam Or Wort Surface?

    I just use a big black nylon spoon with the slits in it, a draining type spoon. Push the yeast down with the back of the spoon and stir like you are stirrig paint. Do this for a good 3 minutes and your wort is aerated and the yeast is thoroughly incorporated. cheers Dave
  10. The Big Burper

    Found Hops

    Sniff it and see. :unsure:
  11. The Big Burper

    What To Brew For Kegs

    I agree. Morgans is a good brew. I use my local home brew shop "Brew Booster", which is 500g dex, 250g dry malt and 250g corn syrup. I usually add another 400g dex. This makes a superb beer, and simple as. cheers Dave
  12. The Big Burper

    Sleeping Ale?

    Hello dere, That seems a bit high for a completed ferment, but the bible says constant SG over 3 days means fermentation is most likely to be complete. Give it time, take daily readings and be patient. Any extra malt in the brew, or did you just add dex? cheers Dave
  13. The Big Burper

    About To Tip Brew...why Did It Stop Fermenting?

    Half a teaspoon of Magnesium Sulphate will work wonders. Trust me. B) Dave
  14. The Big Burper

    Coopers Extra Strength Vintage Ale - Recipe?

    The long-awaited 2004 Coopers Extra Strong Vintage Ale, described by Coopers' beer makers as the best yet, has been released through exclusive bars and hotels around Australia . Coopers chairman and marketing director Glenn Cooper says the 2004 Vintage Ale features new packaging with a picture...
  15. The Big Burper


    Hello dere, I use tap water de-canted to a spare carboy and left for a day or so for the chlorine to evaporate. Plus a pinch of mag. sulphate for good measure. B) cheers Dave
  16. The Big Burper

    Coopers Euro Lager

    17, Have you tried this brew before? If not, I'd do one without extras. It may be an acceptable drink without additions. (It may be hoppy enough). Save yourself a couple of dollars. cheers Dave
  17. The Big Burper


    JC, I've tried (1)hop tea bag straight in the fermenter, (2) boiling sans bag, filtering then adding and (3) boiling sans bag 1 minute (with 3 tablespoons malt powder) and adding the lot to the fermenter. The last method works a treat, especially with Goldings hops, which adds a bewdiful...
  18. The Big Burper

    Taking Too Long?

    Andy, Take another reading, make sure there are no gas bubbles in the testing tube. You did not list the ingredients, but if you just used the can and some dextrose, the SG after this time should be well under 1010. See if you can get 3 readings the same over 3 days, but 1020 is too high to...
  19. The Big Burper

    Adding Yeast

    Hello chaps, I do the 30 second (or more) stir. Re-hydrates the yeast and adds a bit of extra oxygen to the wort, if you stir with a slotted spoon and a lifting motion. That's what I reckon, anyway. :huh: cheers Dave