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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Wheat Beer - Secret Ingredient?

    Spend a bit extra on some decent yeast. I have used both wyeast 3068 and 3638 with good results. The 3068 seems to be everyone's favorite, but if you like more of a bubblegum flavour go the 3638. You won't be dissapointed with either way.
  2. M

    2010 Esb Homebrew Challenge Cup

    Don't worry jakub, I also entered 2 weizens, 1 I wasn't too frilled by and the other I didn't taste until last week and was still lacking in carbonation! Hoping it came good in the last week. Maybe we'll be fighting for last position.....
  3. M

    Growing Hops

    I've never attemtped to grow hops, but will be buying some in the next couple of weeks. I have a couple of questions....... firstly has anyone attemtped to grow Perle hops here in Australia? I wanted to try, but reading up on them I read that Perle hop vines do not like hot weather. So being in...
  4. M

    Selling Two Rhizomes

    Hi Mark, Let me know if either sale falls through, I'll be interested if they do.
  5. M

    How Much Does A Single Hop Pellet Weigh ?

    Count out the hop pellets in your pack. Then divide the hop pack weight (e.g 90g) by the number of pellets, and hey presto. But there are variations. I was a bit concerned about the accuracy of scales at wieghts of around 10g, so instead of purchasing expensive, reliable scales I balance the...
  6. M


    What if you enter 2 beers? Will it be $110 ($55 each beer and include 2 cases) or $55 plus fee for second entry (say additional $5??) and only include 1 case? I should have 2 beers ready by then, but living up in QLD will mean shipping 2 cartons could be pricey.
  7. M

    Joe White Pilsner Vs Weyermann Pilsner

    Just bought ingredients to make my first Pilsner. Will probably start it next week. I went for Weyermanns Pilsner malt, but wasn't sure whether to go for the Floor malted or "normal" Pilsner malt. What is the difference and has anyone used the floor malted pilsner malt?
  8. M

    2010 Esb Homebrew Challenge Cup

    I sent a couple down from Brisbane. Hopefully you received them and the postie didn't nick off with them! Will you release the line up/entries prior to the comp starting?
  9. M

    Flat Beer

    The same thing has happened to my last 2 brews. A batch of Weizen has been bottled for 4 weeks and brown ale 3 weeks. Both are flat as a fart and I am putting it down to the cold weather, although my storage/garage is at 16 degrees and I can't remember having to wait this long last winter. I'll...
  10. M

    Comp Enter - Should I Consider

    So enter it. All it will cost you is $5 and a bottle of beer.... well worth the feedback which you'll hopefully learn and improve your next batch. Take the opportunity to have your beer tasted by qualified judges. I have just entered 2 a couple into the ESB comp. 1 is still flat as a fart...
  11. M

    2010 Esb Homebrew Challenge Cup

    Give it a go, all it is going to cost you is $5 and a bottle of beer. I just bottled as Weizen at the weekend but would have prefered a couple more weeks. Not expecting to win, but still value the feedback for $5.
  12. M

    Aromatic Malt - Dingimans

    I just brewed with some at the weekend. It's my first time using this grain. Only put 100g (3%) into an English Best Bitter. Give me a few weeks and I'll tell you what it tastes like.
  13. M American Pale Ale Challenge

    Anyone know when the result sheets are being sent out?
  14. M

    Pilsener Advice

    Thanks for all the advice guys....... one more question. What temperature do you pitch the yeast at? I am planning on using Wyeast 2278, which has a temperature range of 10 - 14 degrees. One of the books I have says to pitch the yeast when the wort has cooled to 23 degrees the chill to around 13...
  15. M

    Pilsener Advice

    I am going to attempt a Czech style Pilsener and have no experience of brewing Lagers. Pilseners are brewed using soft water, so plan on using distilled water. How much distilled water should I use? 100%, 50% distilled and tap water?? I am from Brisbane and I believe our tap water is pretty...
  16. M

    Wyeast Problems

    Thanks TD, So what do I do gentlemen? From the replies here, I obviously smacked the pack too soon, but it did swell and I pitched at correct temp, and the temp is still good but no action in the fermenter after 3 days. Do I re-pitch another yeast or wait??
  17. M

    Wyeast Problems

    My hyrdometer broke a couple of weeks back, and haven't gotten around to replacing it so no gravity reading. The wort is very sweet to the taste, so I know there's plenty of sugars in there. i did pitch 1 pack, and it did swell nicely. Just no action once it went into the well aerated wort...
  18. M

    Wyeast Problems

    I must admit, I did not check and I have thrown the pack out. I bought it the day I used it on Saturday.
  19. M

    Wyeast Problems

    I smacked the pack a good 5 hours before pitching...... do you think I should wait longer before deciding to pitch more yeast? The 2 times that I have used the yeast successfully, the yeast has become active in a couple of hours. This has been 2 days without any activity.
  20. M

    Wyeast Problems

    For my last 4 batches I have switched to using liquid Wyeast and have had varied results. 2 have worked and 2 have not. I follow the instructions correctly - warm the yeast to room temperature and burst the nutrients pack for a few hours before pitching. The bag swells and then I pitch when the...