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  1. Wimmig

    Using Old Milk And Coke Bottles For Cider And Mead?

    Bottles like that i would send right to ebay. Lots of people like them, lots of film companies like them for circa props. I'd buy new ones with the coin.
  2. Wimmig

    Losing Abc Digital Tv

    Well if it happens at roughly the same time each day, what else happens at that time each day? Got any construction sites nearby with a crane packing up in the afternoon? Timers on powerpoints? What is the constant in all this is the first question. If they work at all other times, and not just...
  3. Wimmig

    State Of Origin

    State of Origin 2013, NSW vs. VIC
  4. Wimmig

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    Yeah, they are cheap and easy for 3 odd bucks. Though, i would pay extra for a machined 316 unit instead, the cheapest i could find is around $25 delivered. I might check blackwoods first before getting a cheap one.
  5. Wimmig


    I thought there is a definitive answer, and that answer is based around the pH content of the mixed solution?
  6. Wimmig

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    I love the Murrays 2IPA, i love it to bits. But it can pack it's bags and hit the road now that Hoptimum is in town.
  7. Wimmig

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    Shame CB don't have the reduction fitting / coupler i'm going to do an order and would prefer to order it all in 316 rather than dick around ordering a single bit from China.
  8. Wimmig

    Wtb: Flat Bottomed Test Tubes

    That sounds like much the answer i would come up with. Pack of 50 for $16 = 32c a go. They come sterile, perfect. Though autoclave temps are from around 120c, 134c or above for a good while for a sterile output enviroment.
  9. Wimmig

    Broo Beer Franchises

    That makes me question my works practice of additional payments for recruiting new staff. Hmm
  10. Wimmig

    Broo Beer Franchises

  11. Wimmig

    Broo Beer Franchises

    Another 30 grand? What the HELL for?
  12. Wimmig

    Biab Sky Hook

    I used a clip when doing BIAB with a hook. The rope was always held to the clip, and i semply popped the CB bag loops into it. Took but a second.
  13. Wimmig

    Sanitisation And Kegging

    Sorry, clarification; It may be people using incorrect concentrations, it may be bad condition kegs or it may be total speculation. Though, i've seen what i think was starsan pitting in a keg which had the solution left in it for months. Though, it may have been from it's previous life as a...
  14. Wimmig

    AHB Articles: Using Glad wrap instead of a lid

    Bugger moving it to a fermentor, an extra step not needed. Pitch the yeast, and swap the lid out.
  15. Wimmig

    Sanitisation And Kegging

    I clean with hose, then PBW or percarb, blast through posts and taps / lines then rinse with water, fill with water and blast lines again, rebuild the tap each time and leave to dry. Starsan keg prior to use and keep for the next day to prep blowoff lines, seals etc for ferment. Never had a...
  16. Wimmig


    Licencing sounds the short odds to me.
  17. Wimmig

    Little Creatures Day Of The Long Shadow Sb

    My guess would be that they always intended to release it to those outlets, and it was always keyed for X date. No mistake about it, those big warehouses and distro locations don't stuff around. Step drop of stock...rule 101 in DC output.
  18. Wimmig

    Mad Brewers Ginger Chops

    Hmmmm. I'll wait till i try it.
  19. Wimmig

    Faucet With Acidic And Alkaline Water Adjustment

    Hmm "Using filters and electrodes connected to a computer chip" Must. Know. More.
  20. Wimmig

    What Are You Brewing III

    You know it. Next up; NitWit Wit Est Mash Efficiency: 86.4 % Boil Time: 90 Minutes Ingredients: ------------ Amt Name Type # %/IBU 1.00 tbsp PH 5.2 Stabilizer (Mash 80.0 mins) Water Agent 1...