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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. S

    330ml Pet Bottles

    australia,arent we all? :icon_cheers:,want to run off a few smaller bottles for christmas presents with my cpbf..tried to manufacture a washer for it to take glass bottles but it works shitehouse.
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    330ml Pet Bottles

    Anyone come across brown PET bottles in a smaller size than the coopers 750ml ones? Say 330ml or 375ml?
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    Retail Liquid Yeast @ 16% Viability - What The ?

    Not ideal,tho really,its up to you to check such things. Out of interest,does said shop drop the price when they expire?
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    Stir Plate And Whirlpooling

    Over at the brewing network theres a great podcast on starters,if ya get a chance have a listen.theres a good little read at under the yeast starters heading also that will answer your questions.
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    Bloody Infection

    i use 2 layers of gladwrap,90deg to each other if u know what i meen,then a wide rubber band .i dont trust one layer,it only just covers the width of the ferm opening with one strip i find.i put the soaked clean lid and o.ring on once filled,rock/shake for a min,remove lid,pitch yeast,add glad...
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    Fs: Extra Ahb Merch - Grey Hoodies..

    will take xlarge plz
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    Bloody Infection

    id see a doctor about that :)
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    Bloody Infection

    id say thats ya culprit there..the only infections ive ever had (2 of) occured/showed up after dry hopping..wether its a bit of manky air/bug wafting in there when the hops go in or its the hops themselves,i dunno..hasnt happened from all dry hopped beers ive made tho. wether its a coincedence...
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    Malt Substitutes

    itll be fine mate,your not using anything extraordinarily differnet to the recipe ie it aint like your using chocolate malt instead of caramalt etc etc
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    Temperature Controller Different

    just drill a series of holes in the box youve mounted it in ( in a diamond pattern for ultimate sexiness)
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    What Style Of Mashing Yields The Highest Efficiency?

    70-75 is fine mate.Thatll get ya a 10.50 beer for under 5kilo of grain...spare change!
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    What Style Of Mashing Yields The Highest Efficiency?

    king brown,what is your efficiency you are getting now? If you can get the same results over and over i wouldnt be to concerned with increasing it to much,unless its woefully low. i get 75% or thereabouts, repeatedly.That is good enough i say.I love to tinker with brewing gear as much as the...
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    Nats At Adelaide In Oct

    What are the scores out of?
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    My Neighbour Has Chickens

    I just chuck it around the base of the orange tree and they have a crack at it,i read somewhere it is pretty poor nutritionally but as the odd treat not a problem.
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    Hops In Tooheys New?

    Isohop for sure,i bet a vb on it
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    Aabc And Subordinate State Competition Rules

    I have no animosity to kit brews at all,and if kits can produce better beer then so be opinion is ag brews should be judged in there own class wether there worse beer or not, taking grain and turning it into beer is an art form in its own,a labour of love,that should not be lost amongst...
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    Jsga - Now In Cans

    Had a bottle at a bbq sunday,didnt think it tasted like amarillo in there,have they changed it?
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    Ahb Merch.. Again.. Simple Really!

    id love a royal blue XL tshirt plz,how do i order?
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    Recipedb - Coopers Pale Ale Clone

    For those interested,Have been using the White labs oz ale yeast for a few batches and have found it to be awesome,spot on cpa.recultering from bottles gave me mixed sugar required,starter of 2 litres at least (4l in two 2l steps if saved slurry old)and hits 1.006 (og 1.044) mashed at...