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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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    Cheap Digital Thermo @ Jaycar

    hopefully not a mercury filled one...
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    Cheap Digital Thermo @ Jaycar

    Glass lab thermometers are the go i reckon...i havent even broken my first one yet (bought 2)though that day will come im sure. :(
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    Can Cooler (or Something Similar)

    If you can fit a can cooler,a bar fridge isnt much bigger.
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    Which Heat Source Is Best?

    I have a belt for fermentors,but last winter bought a reptile enclosure heat cord,comes with suction cups,run it on the fridge wall in a s shape,works awesome...ebay bought.
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    2012 Tanunda Show Homebrew Competition

    Is there an address for entries direct or do we post to the retailers listed?
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    How Crap Is Crown!

    +1 ..Nothing wrong with POR,readily available,cheap, good bittering flowers.
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    2012 Tanunda Show Homebrew Competition

    Posted entrys from other states,we send to one of these,is that correct? Luke Willis C/O Rockford Wines, Krondorf Road, Tanunda Brewmaker, 5/560 North East Rd, Holden Hill; Beerbelly, Prospect Rd, Blair Athol
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    Throw Out Your Cubes

    Groundhog day.
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    Gas Bottle Weights

    Hi yall I have a Keg King 6kg/9.1 litre co2 gas bottle.Does anyone know of this bottles empty weight and full weight? Cant find such a post or info anywhere.
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    Another F#%king Yeast Question

    Gotta get yaself an erlenmyer mate..500ml of wort boiled in a 1000ml flask for 15min,put straight in the sink cools in 15/20min..wash out,repeat next evening etc...pretty cheap these days to.
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    Spent Grain What To Do With It ?

    Ive found with a cap of tuna oil mixed into a bucket of spent grain makes excellent bream berley off the back of the boat.
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    Score Of The Year

    They are plastic,the photo in andale catalogue are the same.
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    Score Of The Year

    how does line fit to them?..i imagine crimp the line on the tapered ferrul thingy with a clip,with the stainless gland sliding down over the tube and doing up in the seat thingy??
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    Score Of The Year

    Working at an old club in sydney thats getting a renovation and amidst all the rubble and crap i spy on a window sill,gleaming,winking at me... it cant isnt..its a andale 5 tap after checking it out,asking a labourer if its rubbish..he tells me to ask the boss,who tells me he...
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    Solution To Whirlpool Problem

    Early days of working out my volumes and needing every drop of wort,id sit a clean sanitised sieve in the opening of my ferm(found one that fit perfect in a $2 shop)and drain through that.most of the pulp would catch in that,towards the end itd be trickling clear wort through it.
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    Solution To Whirlpool Problem

    i just make 2 litres extra,23litres of wort,21 litres into ferm(19l in the keg once filtered and transfered)once the chillers been in for 15min all the break settles and the lighter clean wort drains off leaving all the break behind in the 2litres i chuck out.i came to the conclusion that...
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    its fermentis us05 repackaged
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    they reckoned it was good that they could fill there pools and even without treatment nothing would grow in it :)
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    The caravan park i just went to 1000kms up north,the tapwater tasted like **** use to my filtered water at home..the locals called me a water snob,it tastes fine they said...