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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. J.T

    Extract Cooling Question

    You could freeze some pre-boiled water in sterile ice cream containers a day or 2 before brew day, then pop the ice straight in the wort after the boil, either in the pot or fermenter. I've done this a few times, drops the temp in no time. If your doing a full boil you will have to factor in the...
  2. J.T

    Crushing Grain

    I have taken a couple pics of the one that i have, to show what they look like inside. Unfortunately i dont have any grain at the moment to test it. Id be keen to see the inside of a 'real' one if anyone can post one up. It's convincing my minister of finances, that may prove tricky! ;)...
  3. J.T

    Crushing Grain

    Yep, will do!
  4. J.T

    Crushing Grain

    Guys , Do you think an old hand mincer similar to this one would do the job? Has anyone tried it?
  5. J.T

    Just Starting Out.

    He he, when i have a brew in my fermentation fridge i stick my head in whenever i walk past, just to smell it. Soon it will be an obsession, perhaps then look at getting a fridge with a temp controller to ferment in, then you can set it to your desired temp and leave it for a few days.
  6. J.T

    Sa Home Brew Shops

    Does Bill have a website? Had a quick look but couldnt find one. While my brother was in a our local I asked him to pick me up some grain, the bird behind the counter (looking after the shop for the owner) looked at him as though saying 'can you make beer from that chook food stuff?' after a...
  7. J.T

    Fridge Restorations

    Fill in your location details in your profile bud. Too far away for me, but i'd be interested to see some of your work. Can you post up some pics?
  8. J.T

    Bloody Heat!

    What is this word 'rain' you speak of?? :huh:
  9. J.T

    Tanunda Show

    Congrats to Ken and the team for organising the event. It was just a pity that it was so bloody hot! That kept a few punters away i think. But that cant be helped. Look forward to next year! :icon_cheers:
  10. J.T

    Help! Rip Fridge

    Flicking the circuit breaker straight away usually means a short to earth. Meaning electricity is making its way to the frame somewhere. This could be either directly touching via wiring somewhere or via a short within the compressor. Or indirectly, as i had recently, when water had found its...
  11. J.T

    Fridge Wont Seal Now :s

    That it is!
  12. J.T

    Fridge Wont Seal Now :s

    Prawned, As you know, inside the fridge seal there is a magnet running all the way around the door. To get the fridge seal to 'seal' again. Get a heat gun and gently heat up the rubber part while gently pulling the magnet away from the fridge door. As you heat the seal up it will become more...
  13. J.T

    Hop Cuttings

    Sure does! Thanks domonsura.
  14. J.T

    Hop Cuttings

    Cheers b-thomas, I have had quite a bit of luck with propagating other plants, like rosemary and lavendar and more recently a few roses. If hops are at all similar, the slightly older growth works better. I imagine that the cuttings would need to be sheltered during their first winter...
  15. J.T

    Hop Cuttings

    Hi Guys, After reading through a few of the hop growing threads, i wouldnt mind having a go at propagating some plants from cuttings. It seems that growers are picking their hops about now, and i assume pruning their bines at some stage afterwards. Just wondering if anyone nearby would be...
  16. J.T

    Storing Hops

    he he...I too have layed awake for hours thinking about what i should do or buy next. My wife, gets annoyed at home much time i spend on the computer...just reading through old posts on this site. I too, am obsessed. :party: So back on topic....I have read that the freezer is best.
  17. J.T

    Cheapish Mash Tuns - Adelaide - Rays 26.5% Off Store Wide Sale

    This it the link to the 40L ones, there are plenty of other sizes.
  18. J.T

    Cheapish Mash Tuns - Adelaide - Rays 26.5% Off Store Wide Sale

    Guys, Speaking of cheap, i found one of these on ebay. I got mine for $58 delivered to my door. They claim maintaining constant temp of up to 2 weeks. Various sizes, i got a 40L one. They have provisions for drainage or taps. I havent used mine yet, but just looking at stoked with...
  19. J.T

    Pot Size

    I stand corrected! Seems Ive been out of school longer than i thought! Or too many homebrews!