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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. J.T

    Hop Rhizomes!

    What variety are you after? I can probably help you out with some Mt Hood. Click Here
  2. J.T

    What Are You Brewing III

    How did this turn out?? I've been looking at brewing a Sculpin after tasting the Big Eye recently too. I've found a few different recipes - they all seem to differ slightly.
  3. J.T

    Ballast Point Big Eye Ipa

    Has anyone come up with a recipe for this? After tasting it tonight, Im very keen to give it a go!
  4. J.T

    Fs: Mt Hood Rhizomes

    Haha, Yeah its a huge! I put it in the ground up against my shed about 4 years ago so it has grown in a semi-circle, but the 'root/rhizome ball' is around 2m across!
  5. J.T

    Fs: Mt Hood Rhizomes

    Hi All, I have a few Mt Hood rhizomes up for grabs. All the normal stuff, $10ea plus $10 postage. PM me if you are after one. I'll send them in a 500g satchel, wrapped in wet paper towel, in a zip lock bag. Apologies to the TAS and WA folk. The larger ones in the pic are around 20mm across...
  6. J.T

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Motorised Mill for those in Melbourne
  7. J.T

    My Mill - Wiring Help

    Try your active to 'C' which is common and load onto '1' which I believe stands for one way switching. The 2 is for two way switching.
  8. J.T

    Help Photobucket!

    No probs at all mate. Looks good!
  9. J.T

    Help Photobucket!

    Register and upload your image to photobucket, then you need to find the image 'code' that looks something like [img]yourfilenameblabla[img] and then copy and past that code into your signature. Highly likely you'll need to reduce its size a fair bit first. Aim for around the 80-100kb mark.
  10. J.T

    Melb - 3x Chest Freezers For Sale

    Minus 2 is not much good for a freezer, may hold fridge temps for a while but might be best to avoid that one.
  11. J.T

    For Sale - Hop Rhizomes

    Thanks Doc. Arrived safe and sound. I too will pour myself a pint of your golden ale to celebrate your awesomeness!
  12. J.T

    Adding Fruit To The Keg

    I added juice/sieved puree from a kilo and a bit of mulberries to the keg after letting it sit on another kilo and a half in the secondary for a while. As you suggest, if i was to do it again id keep the keg cold to stop any further fermentation. I unfortunately stored my keg at ambient temps...
  13. J.T

    -= Fridge Disaster Help Wanted =-

    Sounds like you've struck a gas line. It would have made a fair hissing sound though, unless you were unlucky enough to just nick it! Is the compressor still running? If it is, then its probably gas. If its not, it may be electrical. Being frost free there are a few other scenarios too like...
  14. J.T

    Fridge Thermostat

    On a standard domestic fridge the differential is generally about 3-4c. Ie off at 1 and on at 4 or 5.
  15. J.T

    Mill - What To Buy, And Why, And Where?

    Has anyone had any experience with These?
  16. J.T

    How Do You Change The Notice Under Avatar

    Thanks Nick, he is a legend! And loves beer too!
  17. J.T

    How Do You Change The Notice Under Avatar

    Determined by number of posts; preset by admins i believe.
  18. J.T

    Wtb - Kettle (s.a)

    Hi All, I am looking to upgrade my kettle and wondering if anyone has one that they are interested in selling for a reasonable price? Looking for at least 50L. Would consider a converted 50L keg too. Cheers, JT
  19. J.T

    Fridgy Question - Compressor Cutting Out

    My guess would be the compressor; thermostats don't usually lose contact until temperature is reached. The compressor might be drawing too much current and the overload is cutting it out.
  20. J.T

    Suggestions For A Mulberry Wheat Beer

    Guys, Im looking at a whipping up a beer using both mulberries and mount hood hops that I have grown and keep leaning towards a Mulberry Wheat. Im after thoughts or suggestions about the flavour combination and also any suggested extract recipes; especially with the use of the home grown hops...