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  1. Charst

    VICBREW 2013

    Cant help you then sorry mate
  2. Charst

    VICBREW 2013

    Was your beer a berlinner weisse by chance?
  3. Charst

    2013 Melb Xmas Case Swap

    ME too gotta find time to brew but should be keen
  4. Charst

    VIC 2013 July Case Swap - tasting thread

    This beer was mashed in that keg Paul so credit due. The beer was brewed to be swapped so I'd rather a person enjoy the bottle as they've given me one of theirs. Im still pretty pumped just about State champs and think next year i'll just make sure I have enough left over just in case.
  5. Charst

    VIC 2013 July Case Swap - tasting thread

    Cheers Paul for the feedback. Got a third in vicbrew for it. Pitty I have none left to send to nats but no drama ill just have to make more next time.
  6. Charst

    VICBREW 2013

    Massive thanks to Vicbrew organisers, pretty chuffed with a third for a saison.
  7. Charst

    Next brew

    Did a Saison with Rose and Lavender and it was a definite tip out :icon_vomit: Had a nice Rose IPA at GABS once.
  8. Charst

    Hops for saison/farmhouse

    Ive done a couple using only Hallertau M, 90% pils 10% wheat and i think its a lovely beer, not lacking anything.. I recently did the Saison Vautour clone from BYO's american Saison article and it came out quite well. 76% Wey Bo Pils 17% Wey Rye 7% home made candi sugar. IBU 26 Ger Hallertau...
  9. Charst

    VICBREW-Chief Steward-Trainee required?

    Sadly cant this year im working both days, but after raising issues with martin that i can't find a beer that was 3 feet away from me about 4 times im sure he'd not be too saddened by my absence! In my defence i rocked up and immediately someone said "hi they are judging American barley wine...
  10. Charst

    Coopers Saison!

    Dans Dont stock a Saison, about the closest thing you could find is LaChouffe, but its a belgian blond, lovely beligan aromas and similar general beer colour/mouthfeel/head but not the subtle tartness or same spice you'd get in a saison. but a great beer.
  11. Charst

    How many folks still read brewing Mag's?

    I still look at BYO in news agency but generally I dont feel like im getting value out of a lot of the info, I like the style column in BYO
  12. Charst

    Who brews regards the seasons?

    I try to brew in advance of the coming season, but at the moment im brewing with a PC yeast so a dubbel and triple may not be my ideal next brews with summer around the corner, but they need time to age before the belgian comp in March in melboourne. The and hoppy beers and saisons i have...
  13. Charst

    Its official Temple Brewing will be back
  14. Charst

    VIC 2013 July Case Swap - tasting thread

    Get a hold of Saison Dupont (the classic) or LaSirene (local and great) when they begin producing again, wont regret either.
  15. Charst

    What do you do with empty grain sacks?

    I seen a few gain bag tote bags on the internets, actually look good. I'm just waiting for my sewing machine to arrive in the mail!
  16. Charst

    Vic 2013 Xmas in July Swap - Recipe thread

    It all depends on how much yeast you need, Whats the OG of the Pot Kettle black? How much do you have? 17L? from G&G or brewed yourself? You can make a starter with 05 but really dry yeast is packed to the gills with all the nutrients it needs to ferment out, its just that one pack may not...
  17. Charst

    Vic 2013 Xmas in July Swap - Recipe thread

    How much of the Stout do you have Meat head? using 20 litres of 1062 wort (stout OG) required 224 billion. not sure the OG of the pot kettle black but @1062 thats two and a bit fresh packs (1 pack = 1 billion) You would definitely have the cell count if using the slurry of 1098...
  18. Charst

    Vic 2013 Xmas in July Swap - Recipe thread

    A quick read on 1098 from the wyeast website suggests its clean enough to ferment an IPA but it may not be your first choice as the british yeasts tend to throw more esters than an american US05 yeast. Either way i would not pour the new wort directly on top of the old yeast (plenty do though)...