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  1. Charst

    Dedicated Braumeister Guide, Problems & Solution Thread

    Cheers, Shed Build is on the way and I should be up and running in a month or so. Made only a couple beers in the last 12 months its been a long time coming.
  2. Charst

    Dedicated Braumeister Guide, Problems & Solution Thread

    The Fate's aligned for me too Razz, Tax return arrived in bank the monday the sale began. My new best friend is a 20lt named Lars.
  3. Charst

    VICBREW 2015

    Lucky Black n Tan has a Grolsh Bottle. Unfortunately this new rule rules out the Saison and Brett Saison I bottled In Champagne 9 Months ago. I was giving them time to mature just for this comp. When was the decision to not allow these bottles made? Will there be leniences regarding carbonation...
  4. Charst

    Hops used in American Pilsner

    Brewing classic styles uses hallertau for its American lager and classic American pils. If your despo to use something American sterling would be a decent sub.
  5. Charst

    Plumbing Question

    Cheers Boys!
  6. Charst

    Plumbing Question

    Thanks I know some fermenters are HDPE so thats a relief. Been a few years in the making mate, Ive done my time buggerising around im very keen to get a dedicated area. forgive my caution i assume your a plumber? just wanna be sure as concretes pouring tuesday.
  7. Charst

    Plumbing Question

    Calling all plumbers. We just about to pour concrete on a new shed with a dedicated brewing area, im getting hot and cold water connected to two spots in the shed and noticed the plumbers used a black plastic pipe with blue lines on it as the water pipes for both hot and cold. I told him it was...
  8. Charst

    FS Melb: Beer Fridge

    Heya can you give some measurements of the inside. Just trying to figure out what fits. Cheers
  9. Charst

    First Saison - Advice needed

    Is your 15 mins @62 using JW as a base or a Euro / Wey pils? Just wondering if the JW would convert as quick. My stock saison uses Wey BoPils and the mash is as follows. 10-15 mins @ 55 60 mins @ 63 30 mins @ 68 10 mins @ 72 Mashout Fairly similar to the OP and I get a well attenuated...
  10. Charst

    Easy Saison

    Dont **** yourself about the beer sitting on the yeast, you can go another two weeks or more easy. If you've done the forced ferment test correctly it sounds like its done but its not harming it letting the beer sit for a bit. Ive had a couple stall using the dupont strain and if I was...
  11. Charst

    Drying out a Saison

    Cant offer you a guarantee but its what id be doing if bottling in a standard crown seal bottle. Have search for threads on carbonation if your still unsure.
  12. Charst

    Drying out a Saison

    I generally bottle everything high carb in Champagne Bottles and find 3 volumes plenty. Saisons are highly carbed but often you can hardly get the beer in the glass its that high. If your nervy aim for 2.8 and enjoy the beer
  13. Charst

    Feral Hop Hog

    Big Eye is an west coast IPA. Hop Hog's More in a Strong APA. lovely though.
  14. Charst

    Feral Hop Hog

    Thread linked below talks but galaxy and how to get the most out of when to dry hop vs cold crash. Theres heaps of info on Cold Crashing here but personally once my beers has hit a stable gravity for a few days I crash for a good week and dry hop for the crash period. taste taste and taste...
  15. Charst

    Drinking my first saison...

    Bocq Saison, 1858 won a Gold Medal at the '13 AIBA. Lovely Refreshing Saison, quite a strong citrusy coriander note. You might also find Silly Saison, its a belgian saison but I've always found it to finish way too sweet.
  16. Charst

    VICBREW 2014

    Your killing me Martin we just got the keys to our new house friday and I have the parentals down helping with the cleaning. Id love to be stewarding tomorrow!!! bad timing! next year!
  17. Charst

    WTS: 50ltr Braumeister

    this is about 3 months too early. want it so bad
  18. Charst

    Farmer Needed - Breeding program

    even if you get female plants couldn't you more easily get more seeds of a cascade or something and cross that way? Female Yob Magic X Cascade?