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    Another 'first BIAB' help Dr Smurto's Golden Ale

    G'day All, time01 asked me to respond to this thread via PM. Below is my no chill process, it is taken from Dan and Geoff's process at the Grain and Grape Demos. To no chill I turn the flame off put the lid on the kettle and walk away for about 15 - 20 minutes then I whirlpool and leave for...
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    First time grain brewer

    Lol. I used to live in Toowoomba which would have been a nice day trip for you. Mildura might take slightly longer though. However I am sure there are plenty of brewers in Brisvagas that will chime in to help out. Cheers, Andrew.
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    First time grain brewer

    G'day Chubbytaxman, Where are you? Are there any all grain brewers nearby that you can go to watch a brew day with. I went and watched a couple of brew demos at Grain and Grape in Yarraville in Melbourne, it was a great help. I am in Mildura if you are nearby you would be most welcome to come...
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    Good mash paddles/spoons?

    G'day, I use a large paint stirrer from Bunnings (looks a bit like a potato masher) cost south of $10. Great for breaking up dough balls and for stirring the mash, if you don't break the surface you will not get any more aeration than a regular spoon. It's only downfall is that it does not...
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    Summer Ale - First AG - 3V System

    The bitterness will fade, the flavours seem to smooth out, I find my beers taste their best right before the keg blows! Cheers, Andrew.
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    Dumb newbie questions...

    Trub is residual hop and protein matter from the boil. Most people try leave as much as possible in the kettle when they transfer to their fermenter/ cube.
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    Summer Ale - First AG - 3V System

    Ahh, ours stay out in the run at night, the neighbours all have dogs and we have two as well, so foxes have not been a problem. The chooks run is 25 m X 8 m and doubles as the vege patch. We fence off the vege beds when they are in use and open them up for the chooks to turn over and fertilise...
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    Summer Ale - First AG - 3V System

    Wow your chooks are fairly restrained. Our 9 chooks will tear through 6 kg of spent grain in less than a couple of hours. The eggs are great though, you don't realise how good until you go away somewhere and eat commercial eggs. Cheers, Andrew.
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    Fresh wart kits in perth?

    Don't you just HATE auto correct !!!!! Sent from my iPad using Aussie Home Brewer
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    Who has no chilled a Mash?

    I also tend to brew at night. We have 14 year old twin boys and a 4 year old boy. I usually crank things up and dough in just before dinner, put the little one to bed with obligatory argument over how many stories we read. That way it does not really matter if I am a few minutes late getting...
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    Help me design a recipe using Citra

    Thirstyboy, who does the demos at Grain and Grape and is a brewer by profession, whirlpools and then no chills. I believe as long as the wort is above 80C when you transfer all is good. Cheers, Andrew.
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    Grain Mill - Not All Rollers Are The Same

    Hey Newts, Most animal feed, and especially corn because of its size, is done in a hammer mill. I saw one on gumtree a few days ago was about the size of a cement mixer and would be ideal for what your friend wants. Cheers, Andrew.
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    keg king 16amp Auto Switching thermostat

    +1 I have 2 a 10 amp 1 for my keezer and a 16 amp 1 for my fermenting fridge ( keeps the ferment temp within .3 C). If you lose the instructions you can download another set off the Keg King website. Cheers, Andrew.
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    Why has Nick JD got the arse?

    Nick was a member that did a lot of work on BIAB and MAXI BIAB. search for stovetop see Work he did not need to do to brew himself. He did to help others get into AG and to see how far he could push he process. He was...
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    Another 'first BIAB' help Dr Smurto's Golden Ale

    No probs Time01, You have made beer, it might not be the beer you were aiming for, but it will be beer!! What set up are you using? If you are maxi BIABing you should dunk sparge in an esky or similar, use water at 80C. Then as you boil add the sparge water into the boil. Boiling water may...
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    Another 'first BIAB' help Dr Smurto's Golden Ale

    G'day Time01, I would suggest you note volume and gravity pre and post boil. This will help you figure out your systems numbers which will help you hit your targets in future. Just remember to either let the gravity samples cool before you drop the hydrometer in, or run the reading through a...
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    Newbie, bottom of the barrel

    Welcome Stanleywho, It is slippery slope you've started down. You want as much sediment as possible to fall out of your beer, a lot of people crash chill (drop the temp to 2-3 C as quickly as possible) for a few days before bottling to help the sediment drop out of the beer. Possibly the...
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    Hello Gents, my first post!

    Welcome Middo, Sounds like you are well down the slippery slope of brewing, you will fit right in here. It is a great hobby enjoy!! Cheers, Andrew. Edit: Double post removed!!
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    Dumb newbie questions...

    Taking lots of samples is a very common thing with new brewers, I know I did. However if you taste the sample it does have the benefit of teaching you what your beer should taste like at different stages of fermentation. These days I only check the gravity after about a week, however I still...