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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Tony

    No Topic Thread

    The perfect American president would be The Rock
  2. Tony

    RecipeDB - BullsHead Kolsch

    This is one of the best beers I ever made. I miss it
  3. Tony

    Sour beers

    I have a couple great sours in the bottle that I was planning on entering to the NSW state comp this year but on logging in I am too late. The best bit is that next year they will be better :)
  4. Tony

    Whats In The Glass

    Strait up brother 100% unblended almost flat, sour golden liquid!
  5. Tony

    Whats In The Glass

    It has been a lot of years since I posted in here but at long last, the lambic I brewed 3 or 4 years ago is drinking nicely! Super happy with it. Heading into winter I am now planning a couple more to fill the demijohns out the back filled with water and green slime. Will get a pic of the...
  6. Tony

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    I found this picture on the internet last night. Pissed my self laughing, as it just looks like someone has set up a nice photo till the photo bomb happened.
  7. Tony

    Goodbye Bronwyn

    straight of Stu's dipstick!
  8. Tony

    Goodbye Bronwyn

    I would have said No wonder she is so unhappy
  9. Tony

    Goodbye Bronwyn

    Well I thought I was doing a good job? By the way......... Bronwyn rides a Ducati cause they are over priced girls bikes!
  10. Tony

    Allergic to Chlorine, fluoride and tap water in general

    Broken Hill Sea Salt is far better
  11. Tony

    Sour beers

    What are peoples thoughts around leaving a true unblended Lambic uncarbonated?
  12. Tony

    Where have the innovators gone ?

    Back to inovations........ I used to get used fine nylon sock filters from the starch plant I worked at to filter break and hops from my beer when racking. That weekend at my place over a decade ago, Ross said they would be great to use to hold Hops in the boiling wort. I got him the info of...
  13. Tony

    NSW State Comp 2015

    Lets not forget that these comps are organized and run by volunteers who most likely have jobs and families and other commitments that come first. It's not run by a business or association where people are paid to get things ready to judge your beers. Get your beers ready to send and when the...
  14. Tony

    Where have the innovators gone ?

    Hahaha na wasn't a practice joke.....Stu is just a **** brewer :lol:
  15. Tony

    Sour beers

    i have read back through this thread again and noticed a lot of people talking about mashing at high temps to give the bugs something to chew on. The bugs will consume these sugars that are usually left fermented by regular yeasts, but they will eat them fairly fast. You need to provide food for...
  16. Tony

    Where have the innovators gone ?

    You would not believe the amount of people who I spent years talking to on this forum and when I met them in person that said..... "you look nothing like your picture" I am 40 and actually have perfect teeth with not one filling I will never forget that evening. I thought, I might chuck this...
  17. Tony

    Where have the innovators gone ?

    Trial and error is a great teacher. The disasters make for great storys, like never EVER open a stubby of yeast given to you by Ducatiboy Stu! Soo many spend soo much time googling and not enough time "doing"
  18. Tony

    Where have the innovators gone ?

    I sold my Marga mill to Ross