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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Gulf Brewery

    The Simplest And Best Cleaner

    Hi kizzyaggots There is a lot of info on this site, don't be afraid to use the search function. 2 main rules 1. Don't use sodium metabisulphate - it inhibits yeast growth, it isn't a sanitiser. 2. Visit your local home brew store and ask them for one. If desperate, a cheap and easy sanitiser...
  2. Gulf Brewery

    Sa Xmas Case Swap 2006

    Real men in SA do 1200 litre batches :) Enuff Sed Pedro
  3. Gulf Brewery

    Keg Coupler & Ball Lock's

    Thanks for that 'bigfridge' aka Dave Is that a common size in commercial refrigeration? I seem to remember something on the brewery icebank that is about that size. Cheers Pedro
  4. Gulf Brewery

    Keg Coupler & Ball Lock's

    Hi crozdog You sometime see these come up on ebay with the older style pin-lock (2 pin) connectors that go from the micromatic to the beer/gas gear. They adapt from the thread on the micromatic to a 3/4" BSP. have you checked the micromatic site? If you find the proper...
  5. Gulf Brewery

    Users Of The "no Chiller Method"

    I think this thread has gone off track far enough. Before someone closes this, I would never use the no chill method. If I brew a beer, I can't wait until it ferments and is kegged so that I can try it. :P. How could you leave a beer 6 weeks without wondering what it is going to be like :o...
  6. Gulf Brewery

    Skunk Fart Ale

    Tony I would simplify your recipe. With that many malts and hops / additions, you are not really going to notice exactly what each of them has done to the flavours, especially as you going for a hop driven beer. I would drop the choc, acidulated and munich. On the hops, use 1 for bittering, 1...
  7. Gulf Brewery

    Sa Xmas Case Swap 2006

    If you get close to the 24, then the Gulf Brewery will make up the numbers so it becomes a round 24 (Maximum of 4 beer styles, unless I get to brew a couple for myself soon). Cheers Pedro
  8. Gulf Brewery

    Brewery Planned For Warrnambool

    A new microbrewery is planned for Warrnambool. From the "Standard", there is a new $8M complex including a brewery. As they haven't started construction yet, so will be a while before they are up. Cheers Pedro
  9. Gulf Brewery

    Bathurst Homebrew Competition 2006 Details

    If it's like most years, Barry will need the mate to carry the prizes home. :D Cheers Pedro
  10. Gulf Brewery

    Heat Capable Hose In Adl

    Tangent Try BL Shipway on Richmond Rd, they have a fair selection of hoses. Cheers Pedro
  11. Gulf Brewery

    It Women Shed Clothes

    No, we won't. We IT geeks would download it from a secret site and print it out on the best printers at work after hours :P :beerbang: Cheers Pedro
  12. Gulf Brewery

    Immersion Elements For 300l Kettle? Help Please!

    Thanks Andrew and GL I don't know if I feel better knowing the maths now or not <_< We are about 100 metres above sea level - wanna alter your maths ? :P Nice to know the Barley Wine came out fine - a good one is a very special beer to be appreciated. Cheers Pedro
  13. Gulf Brewery

    Immersion Elements For 300l Kettle? Help Please!

    Hi Andrew How did you work out the 9.6 litres per hour? I am interested in the maths for this, not questioning your figures :D We aim for 5 to 6% evaporation loss as you don't want to waste any more energy than you have to when you are boiling. Cheers Pedro
  14. Gulf Brewery

    Immersion Elements For 300l Kettle? Help Please!

    Hi Brendon We use 48kW (12 + 12 + 24 ) of elements to boil 16 hl in around an hour, so you will probably want at 6 - 8 kW. You will want multiple elements to make up this as you don't need as much to keep boiling once it starts. Cheers Pedro
  15. Gulf Brewery

    Trouble @ Grumpy's

    We are a bit OT here, but firewalls secure your internet access - they do not block mail based on content. Email virus or content scanners may block it. Cheers Pedro
  16. Gulf Brewery

    Trouble @ Grumpy's

    A firewall won't prevent the confirmation email, but a spam filter may - Hotmail's does :( Cheers Pedro
  17. Gulf Brewery

    Will Sparge Astringency Ferment/mature Out?

    Trent I would acidify it and bring it down to near 6 - near is good enough, don't get hung up on it if it is 6.2 or 5.8. Phosphoric acid is the easiest way to adjust, but you will need pH strips or a meter to make sure of it. A lot of brewers don't worry about it and still produce good beers...
  18. Gulf Brewery

    Will Sparge Astringency Ferment/mature Out?

    Trent The idea of raising the mash to 75 is to stop the conversion of starches to sugars by denaturing the enzymes. If you stick to a max of 75 and a pH of less than 6, you shouldn't get any astrigency (lots of references around about this) I know when I fly sparge at home, my sparge liquor is...
  19. Gulf Brewery

    Guide A Newbie

    Hi Just to clarify a few things that have been mentioned in the thread Sparging is a bugger for the first few times and has a lot of effect on your efficiency. Just be prepared for low efficiency in your first few batches, just add a bit more grain to the mash to compensate, you can dilute in...
  20. Gulf Brewery

    My First Partial Ag Mash

    Archie A warning about using over 4kg of grain in a partial. You then decide that you might as well go all grain because you are using so much in a partial, then the obsession starts and you end up owning a lot of brewing related gear which outgrows what you can do in the kitchen. Eventually...