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  1. Impy

    Don't Be Disheartened By The Anti-extract Hype Of All Grain

    Sorry, I don't understand. Why does what the beers tasted like before they were ready to be drunk have anything to do with the end result. Imagine at a baked cake competitions, the judges taste all the cakes and decide on the best one. Then you come along and say "oh but this one that didn't...
  2. Impy

    Don't Be Disheartened By The Anti-extract Hype Of All Grain

    Found this great article today - It's pretty clear that good clean processes and controlled fermentation are the keys to good beer. Don't let the haters put you off your hobby!
  3. Impy

    Crystal Malt

    No worries Rizzla. Once you get into the swing of using steeps grains they really improve the complexity of flavour of extract homebrews. For a 23ish litre brew I use 200-300g of steeped grains. You don't have to follow this obviously, I just really like the flavour they impart. Crystal grain...
  4. Impy

    Crystal Malt

    Yeah don't BOIL crystal malt grains, it will extract an astringent flavour which is quite unpleasant. Crystal and Cara' malt grains have been mashed to convert the proteins into sugars.. then the process is halted and the grains are dried out in an oven. You buy these grains (containing...
  5. Impy

    All Cluster Ipa

    I bought some accidentally (in a moment of retardation getting my hop names mixed up) and used it in an Leftovers IPA recipe. I only used 20g at 60 plus some leftover Northern Brewer and a little Amarillo. Then used cluster and a few other hops for flavour and aroma additions. It's turned out...
  6. Impy

    What Kit To Buy BAM!! See what you like from the highly rated ones and give them a go.
  7. Impy

    Little Creatures Plae Ale. 10.1%!

    The only way to get a mix that high is to have added too much sugar, or not enough water (ignoring insufficient mixing or goop in your tap) You might be thinking that there might be something "wrong" with the tin of goop you got, but it's simply impossible for that quantity of goop to give...
  8. Impy

    Strange Goings On In The Fermenter!

    Since it's a lager it's going to take a lot longer for the yeast to ferment and finish cleaning up the beer. If i'm reading correctly you're saying that your gravity actually went up on the second day in the warmer environment? It could just be a glitch in the reading due to temperatures or...
  9. Impy

    Need Guidance To A Decent Kit

    Definitely steer clear of the generic coopers and tooheys kits you find in supermarkets. Find your local homebrew store and get kits from there instead. You'll be able to get a much better range of kits. The coopers kits are actually pretty good, once you see their full range. Your homebrew...
  10. Impy

    First Stout Attempt Question

    heh yeah I should have mentioned that. It's a dedicated brew pot, well rinsed out beforehand.
  11. Impy

    First Stout Attempt Question

    I'm just using safale US-05. I've had brews with much more krausen than this with less speciality grains and stouts seem to be notorious for krausens... oh well happy so long as it tastes good! (it SMELLS amazing)
  12. Impy

    First Stout Attempt Question

    Hi guys, I've got half a dozen or so extract brews under my belt so i've got my process down quite well but after doing my first stout something happened that I've never seen before. Here's the recipe. 3kg light LME 1kg dark DME 500g roasted barley 200g chocolate malt speciality grain 200g...
  13. Impy

    Kit And Extract Beer Spreadsheet

    Thanks for the updated version. I had issues copying the recipes from the old version to the new one until I worked out that you had set up a quick-key on the recipes sheet to interpret Ctrl-C as something other than "copy" which caused crashes and DLL errors and invalid object reference...
  14. Impy

    Mould On Liquid Malt....i Might Be In Trouble Here...

    I've started emptying my goo tins into my boil after my hop schedule is done, it knocks a few degrees off the temp, but it's still more than hot enough to pasteurize the contents of the tins. I've never had problems with infections from tin goo, but I figure it's a good step to add to any...
  15. Impy

    Light Beer

    I've been trying the light beer I made ( The dry hopping of cascade was probably a little too much and give it a bit of an overpowering grassy taste. Comparing the early tastes to the later ones the taste...
  16. Impy

    Soapy Taste After Dry Hopping?

    Yeah I made a lighter beer recently and dry hopped with cascade. I noticed that the beer had a bit of a grassy soapy taste to it. The bottles have been aging of a couple of weeks and the taste is settling down. I recon you'll be fine with some aging (as i'm hoping with my brew)
  17. Impy

    RecipeDB - WitWonder's IPA

    The bottle conditioning has finished and this beer is superb! Amazing passionfruity smell, with a nice middle and late bitter taste. I think it's not quite as bitter as it could be only because my hop schedule was done in a 5L pot so I didn't get as much bittering after the liquid was watered...
  18. Impy

    Light Beer

    I mixed it up and put it in the fermenter on Monday, easy as! I put 10g of Cascade in with the Crystal as it steeped and 15g dry hop into the fermenter (yes I like hops and dry hopping for aroma is my new favourite thing) OG: 1.024 (hit the nail on the head using the Kit & Extract...
  19. Impy

    Kit And Extract Beer Spreadsheet

    Whenever I open this spreadsheet on either my work or home PCs (different version of excel) it crashes regardless of whether I enable or disable macros. Is this a know problem with a work-around?
  20. Impy

    Light Beer

    Fantastic thread with some great ideas. Normally I wouldn't drink light beer but I've been finding my high gravity high hopped beers are too heavy (and expensive) to be drinking after work. I'll be interested if something with low alcohol but still a nice taste can be homebrewed unlike the...