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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Impy

    Simple Q - Carbonation Drops

    Nope, that small of an addition won't change the flavour. They are dextrose, which is 100% fermentable and has essentially zero taste anyway (it just produces alcohol with nothing left behind)
  2. Impy

    Single Vessel Electric Brew Rig Build

    Hi Nath, How easy was the instillation of the kettle elements? Was the wiring at all tricky? I've been looking into building a single vessel electric system and the majority of the ones i've seen have the long hot water heaters elements being mounted horizontally. Thanks, Impy
  3. Impy

    Help With Dry Hopping An Iipa

    I assume your FG is a typo? Otherwise you would have had to start with an OG of ~1.400 (and 45% alcohol! WOW!) I've never managed to get a dry hop aroma to stick around for more than a month. I think it's just the nature of hop aroma, it's the first thing to age out. The best thing to do is...
  4. Impy

    Nc 10min Ipa

    Could the use of relatively low AA cascade be throwing out the expectation of bitterness? Could you supplement in some high AA complimentary hop to get the most out of the amount of time it'll be in contact with the hot (but not boiling) wort in the cube? Also, what about wrapping the cube in a...
  5. Impy

    Hop Bioling

    Think about it as a countdown. If you're doing a 60min boil once the liquid is boiling the countdown starts at 60. If you had an @60 hop addition you would put it in now, if you had an @30 addition, once the countdown reached 30min remaining you'd throw it in then. An @10 would be thrown in when...
  6. Impy

    Counter Balancing Bitterness Post Fermentation/kegging

    I'd take it out of the fridge to help the ageing process along. A useful rule of thumb is for every 10C rise in temp, a chemical reaction will happen twice as fast (called the Arrhenius equation) Because of this cool fact, put some into a bottle and cap it (so the carbonation doesn't disappear...
  7. Impy

    Counter Balancing Bitterness Post Fermentation/kegging

    When I've used dry enzyme it's left the beer with an unpalatable harshness. That might be what you're tasting. 15g of steeped hops shouldn't give much bitterness at all and adding the bag to the fermenter isn't overly bad either. How long was it in the fermenter for? Leaving the beer in...
  8. Impy

    Anyone Interested In A Fridge Temperature Controller?

    Yeah that's what I was thinking. It's only a short period of the year, but we can get some pretty harsh cold snaps where nights are low single digits and days barely reach the high teens. When I get a unit that can do both (stc1000 probably) I was thinking of hooking the heating side up to...
  9. Impy

    Anyone Interested In A Fridge Temperature Controller?

    Sorry, that was an oversight on my part, I'm more than happy for it to be moved if necessary.
  10. Impy

    Anyone Interested In A Fridge Temperature Controller?

    On the link you provided postage is free to Hong Kong. To Australia its around $6. To be clear, I'm not trying to screw anyone out of money. I'm selling it for $20 *INCLUDING POSTAGE* so I'll be losing money from my original purchase. Yes a buyer from here will only save a small amount. Sorry...
  11. Impy

    Anyone Interested In A Fridge Temperature Controller?

    I just purchased a temp controller from a fridge I just acquired for homebrewing, but didn't realize when I bought it that it's a heating OR cooling controller, not both at the same time. The fridge I have is an outside garage, and with cold sydney winters I can imagine the fridge will actually...
  12. Impy

    Super-micro Batch

    I had a 2.5L plastic container that I bought an extract kit in that looked like an incy-wincy fermenter, and recently I've been disappointed with the hoppiness IPA extracts I've bought. So of course I created a micro-batch. Because of it's small size, it's relatively simple on the sugars, but...
  13. Impy

    Newbie With Questions Making Ginger Beer

    Not necessarily, If your fermenter has a perfect seal (thus the airlock is the only place for gas to escape) it can bubble intermittently for aaages after it's finished fermenting. Just remember, the airlock is a ****** piece of plastic with some water in it, the hydrometer is a precisely...
  14. Impy

    Newbie With Questions Making Ginger Beer

    It seems like a lot to use the tube for readings but you should only fill it enough for the hydrometer to float. Also only take 3-4 readings over the course of the brew. One at the start before fermentation then after a couple of weeks 2-3 more readings to make sure the fermentation has stopped...
  15. Impy

    Murray Water?

    Or/and use gelatine finings. Unflavoured gelatin is easy to get from the shops and works as a great fining agent.
  16. Impy

    Coopers Ipa

    Both set of numbers look ok, your original recipe would make a more alcoholic beer though which could throw the flavours off. I just did a coopers IPA for the first time recently and the bitterness isn't anything i would consider an IPA (the english bitter kit had more percieved bitterness IMO)...
  17. Impy

    Why Do Some Beers Fizz When Opened And Others Don't?

    3 possible causes. 1. You're not waiting long enough for carbonation to really sink in <2weeks. WATCH: 2. You're priming with too much sugar. Over carbonation can make the brew leap out of the bottle. If you're bulk priming your sugar might not be dissolved correctly so some bottles are...
  18. Impy

    My Plastic Conical Fermenter

    How are the metal struts supporting the fermenter? It looks like there are bolts, but then you would have to drill holes into the fermenter to support it? Is this correct? Don't the internal bolts cause sanitation issues?
  19. Impy

    Don't Be Disheartened By The Anti-extract Hype Of All Grain

    BF - RE: AG right of passage. Anyone can start anywhere they want to. Goop doesn't HAVE to be the starting point, but you have to admit that AG requires a huge amount of knowledge and equipment compared to K&K. It's just the logical starting point, less knowledge, less money, less time.. it's...
  20. Impy

    Don't Be Disheartened By The Anti-extract Hype Of All Grain

    My point wasn't to say that it was better, my point was that it's not as bad as AG brewers make it out to be. It seems no matter how many extract beers win prizes, no matter how many expert judges can't fault extracts in blind tasting, and no matter how many experiments show that concentrating...