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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Bizier

    What are you listening to

    Hooverphonic 2Wicky Rad
  2. Bizier

    Using standard kegs

    It will either be A (slide) or D (well). Others are exceptional in Australia.
  3. Bizier

    No Topic Thread

    They are a lot more efficient nowadays. I think mine uses about 100w.
  4. Bizier

    No Topic Thread

    I don't mean to create a tech pissing contest, but consider a Panasonic plasma while they are still available. I read they're pulling out of the game. I have a 46" pana and an (albeit older) 40" Sony lcd and the pana is sex to watch (I got that the right way around yeah?). And it only cost $900...
  5. Bizier

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Four or five years old. It is my birthday, I have tomorrow off, but my beer stocks are critically low... and I am basically sober.
  6. Bizier

    No Topic Thread

    Hehe. I farted and it made the dog jump.
  7. Bizier

    Phone infections

    Habby birthday? Just cos you're paranoid...
  8. Bizier

    Funny Videos.... Any Topic

  9. Bizier

    What are you listening to

    Bjork Volta
  10. Bizier

    No Topic Thread

    I am working on simulycra
  11. Bizier

    What are you listening to

    DJ Babu - Duck Season 3 So good.
  12. Bizier

    Red Rye Semi-sour Saison of sorts. Any Thoughts?

    I think the carafa is high by percentage, and you have no batch vol to indicate gravity
  13. Bizier

    Will flaked grains self convert at all?

    Or you could use a traditional commercial amylase enzyme.
  14. Bizier

    What are you listening to

    One for Mardoo
  15. Bizier

    Gota hide this from the kids

    I heard someone died because the balloon in their stomach full of glazed popcorn burst. I though it was odd, because you eat it.
  16. Bizier

    Micro malt house DIY for home malting automation

    Killer work mate! Inspiring.
  17. Bizier

    Gota hide this from the kids

    Mmm stripper volcanoes
  18. Bizier

    Feral Hop Hog gone bad

    Feral are a small brewery who attempt to meet the national demand for their product, we are in the height of summer and they are one of the only breweries who insist on refridgerated shipping. Small breweries who package need to be taken in context. They will not give you Asahi's or AB's level...
  19. Bizier

    Josie Bones - Closing

    I heard he has a lot of Swiss accounts managed in the Bahamas and has an Elephant-Man-like half-brother under his house, and he eats boogers. Once he also leaped from a speeding train onto the roof of a car whilst the ATO chased him, but Julia picked off a few of them with a sniper rifle from up...
  20. Bizier

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Your post made me want one, but I have plenty of beer, so couldn't justify. Five minutes later, my gf comes home with a sixer of Big Eye. Power of the mind I tell ya. I just looked in my recycling bin, no wonder I'm broke.