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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    Second Ag This Weekend

    Thanks for that guys, just one more thing. I am pretty sure that I can only get hold of White Labs yeast so would WLP004 Irish Ale Yeast be similar to the 1084Wyeast? This Beer is going to be a corker, I can feel it. :super:
  2. B

    QLD AHB Xmas Case 2005

    The more the merrier as far as I am concerned but we need to cut it off soon or it maybe too late already as some brewers have already done their case contribution and I will be doing mine this weekend. What is the cut off date? I may hold off doing my contribution until then to make sure of...
  3. B

    Second Ag This Weekend

    I can only take from the lack of responce that you QLD guys will be quite happy to drink whatever dirst water I serve up. :P
  4. B

    Second Ag This Weekend

    I have scheduled in a morning this Sunday to do my second Ag. This is going to be my Xmas case contribution fot you QLD boys so it is in your best interests to help me with this one. :D I am going to make a stout for the Xmas case and am looking for a good recipe and one which will be...
  5. B

    It All Went Wrong Today!

    :D I will try my best not to sneeze over the beer. BTW do you reckon 10g/l is asking for exploding bottles if left too long?
  6. B

    It All Went Wrong Today!

    I have not had much time to bottle my first Ag since I moved it to secondary 3 weeks ago, and knowing the next two weekends are already spoken for today was the day, it was never meant to be. :excl: First off, at the moment I have a stinking cold and a nose like a tap, not good for sanitation...
  7. B

    The Ashes

    I work with a few Aussies who are the same, they smell so bad you think they are gone off, I know what you mean. Difference between the two.....The poms can play cricket. :lol:
  8. B

    The Ashes

    Who was the last person to shag an aussie & bring back the ashes? . . . Paula Yates. :D
  9. B

    The Ashes

    I know we would win this series right from the start, a sure thing. The aussies have had their day, it's over for you, you have nowhere to turn. Never seen such sore losers at work today though. You would of thought a close relative had died. LOL The only thing bettern than beating you...
  10. B

    The Ashes

    Well, it is almost over, Lunch has been called on the last day of the last test, it has gone down to the wire. I did have a punt before the series on England to win 4-1, the bookie almost ripped the money out of my hand and laughed under his breath about easy money. Seems he was a bit of a mug...
  11. B

    First Ag

    Ok, cheers for that guys. Ross, I did not use any dry hops, I was worried it might be over hoppy as it was, I still am a bit. I will drink it whatever, first Ag is like my firstborn child. :beerbang: I will bottle it as soon as I get a chance and get on with my next Ag for the Xmas case...
  12. B

    QLD AHB Xmas Case 2005

    Nice to hear everyone is working on the Xmas case. I have been really busy of late and have not brewed anything for a month, the next chance I get I will do my Xmas contribution and put it away - Out of sight out of mind. :ph34r: Really looking forward to meeting you all and sharing a few...
  13. B

    First Ag

    My first Ag has been sitting at 18C bang on for two weeks now in a secondary cube, I have been cracking the seal each day and it is still giving a fairly substantial hiss, it is as much now as it was when I first racked from primary. Is this too long or would it take longer because it was an Ag...
  14. B


    The next step I am going to take is to get in to kegging. How much would a basic setup cost (Ball park figure) and are there any ongoing associated costs? It is a fair way off yet before I make the move over, probably next year but it is never too early to start investigating. :unsure:
  15. B

    Adjusting The Crankandstien 2a

    I had a similar problem with mine and scratched my head for a bit wondering WTF was I supposed to do to adjust the gap, it really is easy when you work it out but a bit difficult to explain. The two knobs on the side of the rollers need to be turned equally (To keep the gap equal) the two...
  16. B

    Mash Paddles * Tasmanian Oak*

    I don't know who Peter of Wagga is or what you got banned for the first time around, maybe you can put your side of the story across, these things are often a misunderstanding and can be sorted out with a bit of dialogue. Go on then it's over to you. :ph34r:
  17. B

    The Ashes

    Today it feels good to be a pom. :super: Some of the blokes at work were almost in tears with the ribbing I give them today, it does make a change to hear the Aussies whinging about injuries and substitutions. :party:
  18. B

    First Ag

    Up until now I have just kept my cubes under the house at around 18C for a few weeks cracking the seal slightly each day to let excess gas out, I just thought it might be a good idea to use the fridge as it was just sitting there. At least I can now get good temp control of my primary ferments. :)
  19. B

    First Ag

    Today I racked my first AG to secondary in a cube and placed that into the second hand (Beer only) fridge I scored yesterday. The gravity was 1008 down from 1042 which I was happy with but it won't be a strong beer. The hops were noticable when I tasted the sample from my hydrometer, maybe they...
  20. B

    The Ashes

    Sure? :P Anyone else planning a late one tonight watching the poms crucify the once great Australian team? At thi rate this innings is going you will be following on. :D