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  1. Stagger

    Grain Mill For Sale

    yes it sits on top, but that's something that anybody can make
  2. Stagger

    Grain Mill For Sale

    yes i think it gives a better crush, i run around 85 - 90% all the time and never had one stuck sparge Stagger
  3. Stagger

    Grain Mill For Sale

    here some picks of mine around 2 years old
  4. Stagger

    Grain Mill For Sale

    I am in the process of making 4 new grain mills to sell; these are fully adjustable by adjusting the two screws at the front. I have been using one i made couple of years ago and its still going strong. The Two s/s knurled rollers are knurled with a straight knurl and are 50mm in diameter. If...
  5. Stagger

    Love My Brew Wench

    bless her
  6. Stagger


    :D lol :D
  7. Stagger

    Wyeast 1098

    1098 is one of my main yeast that I use, I use it in most ales and got a first in the Canberra comp using it a Irish red and a second with a O bitter. In fact I made an APA Saturday and used 1098 in it works great. Stagger
  8. Stagger

    Sg Question

    69C is way to high need's to be down 66 or there abouts Stagger
  9. Stagger

    Beer Engines

    Could be interested in one Wortgames, keep us it touch Stagger
  10. Stagger

    Ahb Yellow Pages?

    Machinist here will machine up any thing you need also handy with a welder. Stagger
  11. Stagger

    Stir Plate Starters.

    My last brew was a Dortmunder, I made my stater up over the week before brew day, however it had a funky smell so I ditched it (first one ever). I had all ready started brewing so no turning back, the only yeast I had was a very very small container taken from the smack pack. After getting to...
  12. Stagger

    A Russian Imperial

    G'Day Snow when i put you recipe into promash the IBU's come out at 94.5, should it be around 68grams. Also if i was to not use the DME should i just bump up the base grain. Stagger
  13. Stagger

    Thawed Out Beer

    I was brewing for our local comp here and I had 6 kegs freeze all were my comp beers, after a lot of thought I just let them thaw out. I got 2 first and 2 seconds to my amazement, all will be fine. Stagger
  14. Stagger

    Cloudy Wort

    I think you are spot on Barry, that would be my guess, jimmy how long did you mash for? as Barry has stated if it's not fully converted you will get a starch haze and it will be there to stay. Stagger
  15. Stagger

    Keg Massacre!

    I would go for the more specialized welding firms dont trust it to a run of the mill welder. I had no penetration at all if you can get the new base machined correctly it will weld with no problem. Stagger
  16. Stagger

    Keg Massacre!

    I have just completed one for myself, I had 1 22L keg that is to tall for my fridge so I cut it down to 9.5L.I agree with Mudsta (I also am a tool maker with a welding ticket) however I do a lot of pressure welding and mine worked out a treat. I cut mine to the desired size Machined the end and...
  17. Stagger

    Aabc Results Are Up

    Got a 1st in the Pale Lager Craig webber Dortmunder Exp. Stagger
  18. Stagger

    Canberra's Oktoberfest

    Wanniassa All welcome
  19. Stagger

    Canberra's Oktoberfest

    Gent's for those Canberra brewers that are not in the Canberra Brew Club and might be interrested in comming to the Oktoberfest on the 29th tomorrow week, get out your German cook books to cook up a storm. I will have a BBQ going and if others could bring some goodies for all to enjoy, I will...
  20. Stagger

    The National Competition

    Cheers Andrew Did you have a stout in the Canberra comp Stagger