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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Jerry

    Bastard Lager

    The Fermentis site quotes a temp range of 15-24C. Personally I've found I've needed to give US-05 a diacetyl rest; especially when fermented low. Scott
  2. Jerry

    Leaking Fermenter

    Check the reading when you think its finished and then check it again 2-3 days later. If its the same, then bottle away. You said in your original post that the fermenter was 'leaking' and therefore not bubbling. So you can never be 100% sure. Using the airlock as proof of your brew...
  3. Jerry

    Us05 And Diacetyl

    Find I need to do the same thing. Scott
  4. Jerry

    Natural Gas

    BoilerBoy, Unfortunately I'm not a plumber but I do have a friend who is. I am looking at using natural gas for BBQ'ing and brewing in the not too distant future and he has told me that I will need to run 25mm copper pipe from very close to the gas meter all the way to where I need it...
  5. Jerry

    Pub Food

    Parma or a burger. I like a good medium / rare steak but struggle to find a good one at most pubs. But then again I don't get out much these days. :(
  6. Jerry

    Should I Get A Mill?

    ballzac, My opinion is that a mill is extremely handy and personally I love the convenience of having one. However its not something you have to have. If you're in this for the long haul, and you say you are, then I think setting up properly with a good size pot (SS or ally) and a burner is...
  7. Jerry

    What Grains To Keep In Stock?

    Current supply - Bulk-ish Ale Pilsner Wheat Varying (smaller) amounts Munich Maris Otter Vienna Chocolate Medium Crystal Amber Melanoiden Carapils Peat smoked Its nice to have a range on hand but I find I end up forcing myself to brew certain beers just to use up some them. Scott
  8. Jerry

    Brewing In Winter

    Do the same thing. I also wrap a blanket loosely around the fermenter to keep the heat in and I have a piece of cardboard between the heat pad and the fermenter so the base doesn't get too hot. Scott
  9. Jerry

    Biab 48% Efficiency Can That Be Right?

    Same here. I think the grain needed to be crushed finer. As others have said losing the final 4 ltrs has also contributed. Scott
  10. Jerry

    Recipe Question

    Drew, You can set the measurements in Beersmith to metric. Click on 'Tools', go to 'Options' and then click on 'Units'. You can then set it all up to suit your requirements. Scott
  11. Jerry

    Alpha Acid For 2004 Saaz Crop?

    Steve, Not able to give you a definate answer but in August 2005 I made a beer using Saaz at 3%AA. Don't know what year they were but could possibly be 2004. Scott
  12. Jerry

    Ot: Religion Poll

    I'm glad they were lumped together. I can never remember which one I am! :blink:
  13. Jerry

    Maybe I Need A Bigger Drill...

    Are they available in "Right" and "Left" models?
  14. Jerry

    New Bar And Keg Set Up

    Nice looking set up Bugglz. Nothing like having your own beer on tap in your own bar. Cheers Scott :beer:
  15. Jerry

    Wort Chilling Query

    Yes. Transfer wort to cube immediately after flameout. Squeeze the sides of the cube to elliminate/reduce air in head space and seal the cube. Transfer to fermenter when at pitching temp or when you're ready to ferment. Some people have left the wort in the cube for several months before...
  16. Jerry

    Cascade Apa

    Same here. I tend to use Pride of Ringwood a fair bit for bittering followed by Cascade all the way through. Amarillo also works well. Scott
  17. Jerry

    Ever Run Out?

    No, never. Won't allow it to happen. ****, I start to to get worried when I have one keg empty out of eight. At the moment I've got two empty kegs;......... I'm really starting to panic! :o
  18. Jerry

    Just Did My First Partial!

    gerald, It all sounds pretty good. Temperature was probably a little higher than you want and this can result in it fermenting out pretty quickly. Leave it for at least a week to let it finish off and clear up a bit. I think you'll be very happy in a month or so when you start sampling. Enjoy.
  19. Jerry

    What Makes Megaswill Just So Crap?

    Agree! And I just read the whole bloody lot! There's 30 mins I'II never get back. :(
  20. Jerry

    Storage Of Grain And Hops

    crozdog, I use mayo buckets and they look the same as those. Scott