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  1. Jerry

    Lme V's Dme

    happy benno, Back in my extract days I generally used DME but did on a few occasions use LME. I never noticed a difference between the two. I used DME most of the time as I found it far easier to handle. Cheers Scott
  2. Jerry

    Keg Mate

    Here you go Bribie. Scott
  3. Jerry

    Rescuing A "too-high" Mashed Beer

    WarmBeer, If you go with option 2, which I think is probably what I would do, you don't need a larger fermenter. Ferment out what you have and store in a cube or whatever. Then ferment the 'drier' IPA you haven't brewed yet. You can then blend the two after they've both been fermented. Scott
  4. Jerry

    Double Trouble

    Congratulations Steve. Sorry, I don't have any tips with coping with twins. I do agree with the other posters though; get brewing and go see that urologist. Good luck and hope all goes well with you and your wife. Cheers Scott :icon_cheers:
  5. Jerry

    Ag Brewing Newbie

    Taking a while so far! :D Just bumping it for you Mitcho. Cheers and welcome. :beer: Scott
  6. Jerry

    Need Ideas For A Festival Beer

    nqtrancer, Before racking to secondary I would be inclined to bump the the temperature up to around 18-20C for an extra couple of days. This will ensure that fermentation is complete. Once you're sure its all done then rack to secondary and CC. I don't always CC but when I do the beer always...
  7. Jerry

    Dry Hopping Vs Hop Additions Late In The Boil.

    Thanks Steve. I really should have done this by now; keep meaning to but just been lazy I guess. :rolleyes: Cheers Scott Thanks Screwy for taking the time to explain your method. I appreciate it. :beer: Cheers Scott
  8. Jerry

    Dry Hopping Vs Hop Additions Late In The Boil.

    Hi Screwy, What hop form do you use in the keg when dry hopping? Pellets, plugs, flowers? Also what do you put them in, or do you just throw them in. Dry hopping is something Ive always planned to do but just never got around to doing. After 70 odd AGs its a bit embarrassing. :( Cheers Scott
  9. Jerry

    Mountain Goat Ipa

    As others have said, I think its fantastic that he is prepared to give out so much information. :beerbang: Fermentation temperature suprised me a little. Scott
  10. Jerry

    Dave's Herms Build

    Thanks TB Scott :icon_cheers:
  11. Jerry

    Dave's Herms Build

    Oh and cooraf, Great looking shiney set up there. Well done! Cheers Scott :icon_chickcheers:
  12. Jerry

    Dave's Herms Build

    Sorry cooraf for taking it a little :icon_offtopic: Thirsty Boy, How hot is hot? At what temperature does HSA cease to be a potential problem? Cheers Scott
  13. Jerry

    The Great Chinese Hop Buy 2009

    Phew, I thought I was going to see a little chinese farmer's "henry the 3rd" as we zoomed in! :o
  14. Jerry

    Purchasing Milled Grain (s/e Melbourne)

    And you certainly won't find him condescending!
  15. Jerry

    Need A Couple Of New Fermenters

    Personally I'd prefer to support my LHBS. A saving of around $10 for something you will probably use 50+ times............???? The tap, airlock, grommet etc is usually included when you get it from the LHBS anyway. Scott
  16. Jerry

    Cheap Brewing Books

    Appears it is. According to the "how to brew" website the current 3rd edition was published in 2006.
  17. Jerry

    Grain Mill

    Boagsy, I've had a barleycrusher mill for almost 4 years and have been very happy with it. Using an electric drill to run it makes light work of the grain. Scott
  18. Jerry

    Long Time Members Who Dont Post Much

    Definitely a lurker here. I only get the chance to get on here a couple of times a week so I tend to spend most of the time reading the threads that Ive missed. AHB has been an invaluable resource to me over the last 4 years. When I joined I was extract brewing and had no intention of doing...
  19. Jerry

    New Grain Mill

    For me its a convenience thing. So long as I have the grain I can brew when ever I want to. I don't need to plan ahead with getting the home brew store to do it for me. As far as freshness goes I haven't noticed a difference; but its been a long time since someone else pre-crushed grain for...