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  1. Jye

    Babbs Wild Brew Project

    Added a bit to much sugar did we :D
  2. Jye

    What Are You Brewing III

    I was going to brew something with white choc to be different... not so different now :(
  3. Jye

    What Are You Brewing III

    The wort usually burns during the boil with this brew so I let it settle for 30 min before starting the boil. I then drained of the clear wort from the particulate matter settled out. Ill find out in a couple of hours if it worked B) Eleanor Wheat Wine IV American Barleywine Type: All...
  4. Jye

    Babbs Wild Brew Project

    How is everyones looking? 8 days after brewing I have a gravity of 1.030. Not good but not bad as it will leave something for the bugs to eat.
  5. Jye

    30% Plus Eis Beer Experiments

    Nice tip about using an esky. Ill give it another go with my 3l bottle stuffed inside a couple of cooler bags.
  6. Jye

    30% Plus Eis Beer Experiments

    beersom, that is pretty what Im going to do next time and give a shake every now and the to make a slurry. Dont really want to ice to freeze as a block and destroy the corny. HD, I look forward to that :)
  7. Jye

    30% Plus Eis Beer Experiments

    So after Brew Dogs efforts with Tactical Nuclear Penguin and Sink The Bismarck I really want to give this a go. To date I have done a Weizen-Eisbock and that was slowly frozen down to -6C in a fridge. The result was about 11% and I think it was a successful beer. However yesterday I attempted an...
  8. Jye

    Babbs Wild Brew Project

    The starter I made certainly did the job and its now sprouting a 6 inch foam stand. This arvo the sugar goes in.
  9. Jye

    Sink The Bismarck

    After seeing this last night I had to give it ago :P Chuck some american brown in the freezer at work today (about -27C) and gave it a shake every hr to help an ice slurry form instead of an ice block. Ended up with 500ml of about 35% eis-beer... and from the small sample Ive had it was quite...
  10. Jye

    Babbs Wild Brew Project

    Brewed mine this arvo and ended up with just over 18L of 1.094 in the fermenter. Efficiency was a bit low at 69% and extended the boil to 3hrs to get the gravity up. Ill add 450g of sugar in a few days and that will get the OG up to 1.105.
  11. Jye

    Babbs Wild Brew Project

    Plugging the numbers into Mr Malty we need closer to 200ml of slurry. Ive add 300ml of wort to the bottle as a smaller start for tomorrows brew session. Lets hope it kicks off :)
  12. Jye

    Babbs Wild Brew Project

    This is a big ass beer so to help the yeast out Im going to feed the sugar into the fermenter after about 48 hrs.
  13. Jye

    An Experiment In Waxing

    Just tested my wax out and I think it looks awesome. Must have dunked it in about 10 times to get a nice thick and white layer... now I need a classy label.
  14. Jye

    Babbs Wild Brew Project

    Might have to call by CB for supplies tomorrow :)
  15. Jye


    Looks the good Tony but remove the Carahell, you want an IPA to finish on the drier side which will make the hops 'pop'.
  16. Jye

    What Are You Brewing III

    I call them how I see them.
  17. Jye

    What Are You Brewing III

    Just mashed this in. Amber Coloured Beer Type: All Grain Date: 8/02/2010 Batch Size: 21.00 L Brewer: Jye Boil Size: 27.00 L Asst Brewer: Boil Time: 60 min Equipment: SK Brewery Taste Rating(out of 50): 35.0 Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.00 Taste Notes: Ingredients Amount Item...
  18. Jye

    Babbs January Meeting

    Best meeting evar.... or is that just because I haven't been to one in ages?
  19. Jye

    Whats In The Glass

    Daemon check out this HOTW thread.