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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. T

    How Much Do You Spend A Month On Your Hobby

    Since the move to the glorious ACT a 25 kg sack of grain has lasted me 3 months. ive probably only spent about $150 all up during that time. It really helps when i'm on call every second week and I've just bought a house in desperate need of some serious renno's. The beer consumption drops...
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    Are You A Hopaholic

    I really only have a couple of sips and it's only just enough to get the basic flavour out, maybe 1/2 to 1 g in a big mug. I tried a big strong cup once and i did sleep well come to think of it but i'll blame that on being genuinely tired. I was doing a comparo on fuggles vs cascade and...
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    Are You A Hopaholic

    when I first started brewing I thought 12g of cluster in a (kit) brew was overpowering. I've since done many an AG brew with a minimum of 100g of high alpha yank hops and even a couple with 200g. I'm using more hops but I am getting picky, 200g of sheisze quality hops in a 23l brew can really...
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    1st Cubed Beer Oxygenated!

    The beer is saturated with co2 at the end of primary. Not enough to be called carbonated but still saturated, ie it has absorbed all the CO2 it can at a given temperature and pressure. A protective layer will form when the beer is disturbed during racking as the movement of the fluid will force...
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    Wig & Pen Trip - August 12 2006

    I dropped by and tried a couple of ales with him but beinbg on call I couldn't have too many.
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    Mash Hop Only

    THis baby is now on tap, Hop flavour is exceptionally smooth, to the point that a LCPA I had on the weekend tasted harsh on both flavour and bitterness in comparison. I'd hazard a guess at 30 IBU's and nothing more. Even this I believe is due to the amount of hop matter that came through...
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    Wig & Pen Trip - August 12 2006

    Don't you mean the XPL?
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    Premier Brewshop In Act?

    Brew your own at home, very well stocked shop with excellent prices on hops and grain. I just hope the quality remains when Colin sells.
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    Wig & Pen Trip - August 12 2006

    I'm in but i'll have to meet you at the W&P
  10. T

    A Question For Fridge Mechanics

    Only 9 years in the industry here. Blue what your saying is true but like i said, addinng an extra bit of refrigerant will drop the superheat and increase the subcooling at the expense of a higher coil temp (not an issue in a converted freezer). A Any well built electric motor will run for...
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    Mash Hop Only

    Its down to 1.018 now, been in the shed at about 14-15 degrees (us56 seems to like the cold). The hoppy taste is now coming out over the malt. I'm off to Sydney for a week tomorrow so I'll get it into a keg when I get back.
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    He said wort not beer.
  13. T

    Europeany Sort Of Lager Recipe Feedback

    For the real german lager sort of maltiness, go with the German malts, ie. weyermann.
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    A Question For Fridge Mechanics

    Absolute crap. There is a theory that running at higher temperatures than design specs will push the superheat up too high and cause the compressor to run hot. The fact the compressor only runs part of the time prevents it getting as hot. If you really want to be anal about it drop in 20g...
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    Compressor Delay Setting

    It's the same as the Carel/dixell types. It has a minimum off cycleas well as the deadband.
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    Compressor Delay Setting

    5 mins is plenty for a fridge with a solid state start relay. if it has a coil relay then 2 mins is enough to equaliase the pressures. Go for 5 but the with the hysteresis (deadband) of the mashmaster, it shouldn't matter.
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    Wig & Pen Imperial Stout

    I might drop in for lunch and give it a go.......
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    Lets Talk About Malt Flavour

    Dont tip it, it's not bad as a filler malt, it just needs something to give it a kick.
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    Lets Talk About Malt Flavour

    or try using Powell' pils malt. Damn near impossible to get any flavour out of it.
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    Using The Mashmaster Plate Chiller

    You can still regulate the suppky of water so no risk of overchilling.