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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Ronwales

    Should I get into kegging?

    I've been bottling for years and getting a kegerator today can't wait!
  2. Ronwales

    Airlock query

    Yeah mate shouldn't be a issue, if u want to be extra safe can use distilled water from the kettle. I just use tap water.
  3. Ronwales

    kegking / robobrew history

    I agree only made 2 brews so far but I am very happy with it. Too tell you the truth I don't think I would of got into All grain if the robobrew didn't exist. Just cheap and doesn't take too much room.
  4. Ronwales

    kegking / robobrew history

    Hi i also got a robobrew, I believe in u get what you pay for and in this case it's definitely the case. But it does the job at the end of the day. What problems did u have? I found the bottom plate to sit on the tap a little bit and was flimsy as hell. Even new if I put on a flat surface u...
  5. Ronwales

    Continuing Jokes Thread

    Went to the perth zoo the other day and too my surprise there was not a animal insight! Just one dog, that's it.... It was a shih-tzu!
  6. Ronwales

    Perth Royal show beer comp

    Did anyone enter? I did for the first time , picked up a bronze for my extract pale ale was stoked ! :)
  7. Ronwales

    Continuing Jokes Thread

    Did u here about the cross eyed teacher? She couldn't control her pupils....
  8. Ronwales

    Continuing Jokes Thread

    What did sushi roll (a) say to sushi roll (b)? "Wasabi"
  9. Ronwales

    Kits and Fruit Juice

    Citra gives a beautiful fruity juicy flavour and aroma
  10. Ronwales

    9 day or 5 Week Primary - Help!

    Original gravity. Do you have a Hydrometer?
  11. Ronwales

    Continuing Jokes Thread

    Heard this one at wrk the other day hope you enjoy as much as i did lol! I was doing yard work after the storm this weekend and my wife was about to take a shower. I realized that I couldn't find the rake. I yelled up to my wife, "Where's the rake?" She couldn't hear me and she shouted back...
  12. Ronwales

    Single Vessel Brewing - RoboBrew 35L Gen 3

    They said it was normal. I can still use it , just wanted some feedback if I was the only one having this problem or it was common
  13. Ronwales

    Single Vessel Brewing - RoboBrew 35L Gen 3

    Cheers buddy I think I'm just going to leave it as it is. I've only done one brew so far and thought it was a bit odd.
  14. Ronwales

    Single Vessel Brewing - RoboBrew 35L Gen 3

    Measurements for legs
  15. Ronwales

    Single Vessel Brewing - RoboBrew 35L Gen 3

    Measurements for tap
  16. Ronwales

    Single Vessel Brewing - RoboBrew 35L Gen 3

    I can't post photos for some reason
  17. Ronwales

    Single Vessel Brewing - RoboBrew 35L Gen 3

    I emailed kegland with photos and they said it's normal. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't a fault
  18. Ronwales

    Single Vessel Brewing - RoboBrew 35L Gen 3

    Doesn't look that way the legs height are 30mm, And the top of the nut for the tap is about 37mm from the bottom . 7mm too high.
  19. Ronwales

    Single Vessel Brewing - RoboBrew 35L Gen 3

    Yes they are ,I believe there either too short or tap has been put in the wrong place
  20. Ronwales

    Single Vessel Brewing - RoboBrew 35L Gen 3

    I have sent the email of the pics