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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Samwise Gamgee

    What are you listening to

    Currently listening to Team Sleep (Chino from Deftones other band) It's kinda rock, kinda electronic and pretty cruisey
  2. Samwise Gamgee

    Larking Around In Hobart

    I thought it was the special butter (flora?)! :lol: :lol: ;)
  3. Samwise Gamgee

    eBay Items III

    Anybody want a Harrier Jump Jet? Currently at 75,100 British Pounds. No postage :D
  4. Samwise Gamgee

    American Pale Ale Wort (15ltr)

    I think Grain and Grape sell them
  5. Samwise Gamgee

    Most Expensive Beer

    I think the RedOak Special Grand Reserve would have to be up there with most expensive beer @ $15 for 50ml I haven't tried it...................................yet. I was going to let them keep there 50ml, and I would keep my $15 but after reading some of the tasting notes from the Qld guys...
  6. Samwise Gamgee

    Users Of The "no Chiller Method"

    I did my first no-chill method the other week, haven't chucked it in a fermenter yet though. I know this might seem like blasphamy to some, but i was about 1.5L short of filling the cube completely, so in went 1.5L boiling water! :ph34r: I had quite a high evaporation rate, so I don't think...
  7. Samwise Gamgee

    Peruvian Spit Brew

    Anyone got an AG recipe? :lol:
  8. Samwise Gamgee

    Style Of The Week 2/8/06 - Australian Lager

    Tooheys New won the Champion Trophy for this catagory at the 2006 AIBA
  9. Samwise Gamgee

    eBay Items III

    Beer Chiller here
  10. Samwise Gamgee

    Nsw Xmas In July 2006 Case Consumption

    that method should give flavour type effects, not bittering.
  11. Samwise Gamgee

    Nsw Xmas In July 2006 Case Consumption

    Finishing hops aren't going to make your beer bitter. Did you boil them? Or throw them in the fermenter? If you threw them in the fermenter then they will add aroma.
  12. Samwise Gamgee

    Australian Draught

    i thought you tried it on the weekend?
  13. Samwise Gamgee

    Kosovo Parody Song

    Very funny, need sound. Click
  14. Samwise Gamgee

    Do You Stir In Your Sparge Water?

    I think you are refering to batch sparging. I've never batch sparged but I believe you fill up the mash tun with the sparge water, stir it up, let it sit for 10 or 20 mins then run off. Then repeat again. Hope this helps. I fly sparge, and don't stir it up.
  15. Samwise Gamgee

    Painting My Keg Fridge

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  16. Samwise Gamgee

    James Squires Rum Rebellion Porter

    I can see KoNG now, having a sip of his Rum Porter, slowly placing his glass down and reaching for his piccolo. Then he thunders out a little piercing jig while doing some kind of folk dancing :lol:
  17. Samwise Gamgee

    Drum Smell

    At least it should be clean! :P Maybe try some PSR (Pink Stain) or Caustic Soda?
  18. Samwise Gamgee

    OK, You're Here And You Brew, What Else Do You Do?

    Thommo, does the B&B = Bull 'n' Bush? I've can't remember seeing you up there! Or maybe it was before my Bull n Bush days!
  19. Samwise Gamgee

    Tiger - Singapore Beer.

    I assume you mean to say "Don't you like" Nah I don't. Everyone has there own tastes but I'd put it on par with Tooheys New/Carlton Draught, just watery and bloating. I prefer fuller bodied brews