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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Joel

    Praise For Frank At Mashmaster

    G'day all! It's been quite a while since I've posted here, but I feel compelled to share my recent experience with Frank from Mashmaster. Quite a while ago I bought a Fridgemate to replace my 'homebrewed' temp controller. I didn't get around to actually wiring the thing up until just a few...
  2. Joel

    Beer Wenches ;-p

    I wouldn't dare ask my missus to do my brew cleaning!!!
  3. Joel

    Why Isn't My Beer Fermenting?

    Thanks for the quick replies, advice, and other inane chatter guys. I have always in the past pitched directly into wort at fermenting temps, especially for lagers. But I figured that since I had a flash wyeast activator (with 100 million yeast cells) then I could get away without a starter...
  4. Joel

    Why Isn't My Beer Fermenting?

    OK, I've got a problem. Aside from the obvious, my latest creation - a Vienna style dark lager - hasn't shown any signs of fermentation. No krausen, and no CO2 build up (I don't use an airlock, just gladwrap. The gladwrap usually has a nice upwards bulge indicating positive pressure in the...
  5. Joel

    Gluten Free Malting & Brewing

    O.K. Where is a good place to get bulk millet? I've tried ringing around produce places in Newcastle, but the best I could find was seed grade stuff (which is no good for brewing).
  6. Joel

    Gluten Free Malting & Brewing

    This is where I found some stuff on millet malt. Just click on "search abstracts" on the left and type in your key words.
  7. Joel

    Recipe Formulation

    How much Vanilla is one unit equal to? And how much of the flavour is retained? Would you put it in at the end of the boil or during secondary?
  8. Joel

    Gluten Free Malting & Brewing

    Thanks for the great articles Milletman! Very informative. I'd found a few scientific papers on malting millet, but was struggling to translate them into a practical method. I particularly like your ARSE (thats "Aerodynamic Roots and Shoots Extractor" for those with filthy minds!). Just a...
  9. Joel

    Silly-yaks Beer Recipes

    Didn't know that there was a website called Silly Yaks. Should have googled for it <_< Thanks for the links and info Millet man. I'm guessing that millet makes for a good beer making grain? My father made millet porridge for the family for breakfast when I was a kid... so bring on the Bird...
  10. Joel

    Silly-yaks Beer Recipes

    I'm after recipes and any info I can get on gluten free beer. What is the best grain to use? How to malt it, mash it, and any other tips and tricks that go with non-Reinheitsgebot type beers. (Reinheitsgebot is the german beer purity law). I guess more importantly; how does it taste/compare to...
  11. Joel

    Scored A Free Plc Today

    The RAAF hasn't had electricians for ages. God forbid that we fix anything ourselves. Gotta call in a contractor these days to change a bloody flouro or change a car battery. I'm not kidding. It's madness.
  12. Joel

    Scored A Free Plc Today

    At the RAAF base. 77SQN Gunnies.
  13. Joel

    Scored A Free Plc Today

    *******s! Lucky, lucky *******s! I dream of a plc controlled brewery.
  14. Joel

    Plastic Electric Boilers

    The walls of my 60L fermenter/kettle are fairly thick (for a plastic vessel). Got it, and some 30L fermenters, from a mob called Silverlock Packaging in Adelaide. Cheaper than most HBS's too.
  15. Joel

    Plastic Electric Boilers

    I've used my 60L fermenter/electric kettle now for about 5 brews and it's going great. I've got 2400W and 2200W electric kettle elements mounted in either side and a 1/2" brass ball valve tap. It's wrapped in some of that camping mattress material to help keep the heat in. Once up to boiling...
  16. Joel

    Guide To Keg Forced Carbonation.

    Why can't you connect the gas disconnect up to the liquid side of the keg? From a quick look at my disconnects they look identical to each other except for the colour. I though the colours were just to keep them from getting mixed up?
  17. Joel

    Guide To Keg Forced Carbonation.

    Great thread. Great timing too as I'm in the last stages of getting my keg fridge setup. I've never gassed a keg before so my question might have an obvious answer. I don't understand why you need to use a liquid disconnect for the initial high pressure injection. Surely using a gas...
  18. Joel

    Mash Tun Test Run

    I have one of those el-cheapo 30L Coolibah eskies with a SS braid filter for my mashtun. I was getting about 5 degrees of temp drop over an hour mash, but I had to have the thing wrapped up in a nice thick blanket to get that. A few weeks ago took it apart, and replaced the dodgy polystyrene...
  19. Joel

    OK, You're Here And You Brew, What Else Do You Do?

    Another RAAFie... Avionics Technician by trade. Currently trying my hand at the Gunnie game at Williamtown on the F-18's. Previously worked on Orions and F-111's. I tried my hand at being a civvie a few years ago. I was a full time student for a while and did an Audio Engineering course...
  20. Joel

    Surprise For Our Visitors!

    Just checked my email, and found the oh-so-legit surprise email... So, someone has hacked the AHB site and gotten away with our email addresses? I wonder how many other dodgy spammers now have our email addresses? If only these hackers and spammers had something more constructive to do with...