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  1. BoilerBoy

    High Aa Bittering Hop With The Least Character

    I'll second that, fantastic hop for clean pale lagers. BB
  2. BoilerBoy


    Excellent....I think He's got one with my name on it :icon_drool2: BB
  3. BoilerBoy

    I Have A Conundrum (bitterness Q)

    Dont know how you did or measured your hop additions, but 62 IBU is in no way OTT and remember IPA is a style that designed to be matured and balanced over time. If it didn't have some of that bitterness your describing in primary I'd be worried. Cheers, BB
  4. BoilerBoy

    My Beer Is Really Boring... Fix?

    As suggested above, I would think its the 2112 Cal lager. I actually really like the yeast, its great in Cream ales, APA's, Steam beer and I think TDA even used it in a stout once which turned out nice, but despite its name it should IMHO be treated as an "ale yeast" with "some" lager...
  5. BoilerBoy

    Airlock Or No

    My name Is BB it has now been 2 1/2 years since my last airlock :unsure: BB
  6. BoilerBoy

    How Do You Like Your Coffee?

    If your living in Adelaide try buying coffee beans from "Simply Coffee" in Melbourne st Kent Town, (no affiliation). My brother, a fundamentalist coffee snob, put me on to them, He roasts his own beans and his coffee knowledge is excellent and is the single reason behind friends asking us "Why...
  7. BoilerBoy

    Smoked Malt In A Scotch Ale

    True..... however I'm sure others like Tony would agree that the Hoepfner smoked malt was superb! and you could use 3-4 times less than the Weyerman and get a better result. I'm not in any hurry to buy anymore Wey smoked and I agree it would be worth investigating smoking my own. Cheers, BB
  8. BoilerBoy

    To Filter Or To Use Adjuncts

    If you use a 1 micron filter you dont need to add any yeast for bottling, it still carbs up fine. BB
  9. BoilerBoy

    Smoked Malt In A Scotch Ale

    Im thinking of doing something very similar and don't worry about the Wey smoked malt being a background flavour "ITS ALL YOU WILL BLOODY GET!" Just done a smoked Porter with 3kgs of smoked malt nearly 50% of the grain bill and still just noticeable <_< So like you I was thinking of using the...
  10. BoilerBoy

    P!ssed Off! - Bulk Prime Fail

    Simple enough, but the main advantage of bulk priming is being able to more accurately achieve the carbonation you want and use whatever size bottles you have, no matter what the volume difference is. Cheers, BB
  11. BoilerBoy

    Wyeast For Kits?

    Started brewing Feb 04, ventured into liquid yeast some 5 brews later while still doing kits and partials mainly from Grumpy's & Goliath Brewing, never used a dried yeast again after that, part of the great leap forward as far as I was concerned and never looked back.....Go for it! Cheers, BB
  12. BoilerBoy

    When Do You Rack To Secondary & Add Gelatine?

    G'day manticle, As I understand it and someone else will probably explain it better than me, but alot of residual Co2 remains trapped within beer at cold temps which can result in overcarbonation in bottled beer, as the beer warms up alot of the Co2 is released. Cheers, BB
  13. BoilerBoy

    My First Starter

    Look there are better heads out there than mine, but at this stage for a 50L batch size I'd be pitching a dried yeast and preparing better next time, Or if your using 2 fermenters put the Wyeast in one and a dried in the other. Always as a rule get your yeast organized first then brew. Cheers, BB
  14. BoilerBoy

    When Do You Rack To Secondary & Add Gelatine?

    If you are confident it has reached FG rhen rack and leave it for 3-5 days then add gelatine and let it settle out for 24 hours min. A tip though which helps - if you can wack it in the fridge at the end of secondary and get it down to near 0 deg before adding gelatine and the leave it in the...
  15. BoilerBoy

    My First Starter

    Just to clarify......Your making a 3L starter after you have already brewed the batch, Is it a no chill? BB
  16. BoilerBoy


    Yet to use Galaxy yet, but I have some and Im really looking forward to trying it. Used "Summer Saaz" in a lager/pilsner with Super Alpha for bittering, the Summer Sazz additions were at 20, 10 and flame out along with WL 833. Its not a bad beer, just not really that interesting, I don't get...
  17. BoilerBoy

    Yeast Decision

    I reckon Sammus is right, I never use dried yeast anyway, but I couldn't imagine a decent rauchbier with US O5. If you can't get a suitable liquid lager yeast as suggested above I'd put that brew on hold until you can. WL 833 would also be good, Cheers, BB
  18. BoilerBoy

    What Beer/s Did You Drink Before Homebrewing?

    I didn't like beer much when I was a teen, but as an apprentice you drank it because it was cheap! My preferred drop was scotch and dry ginger ale, but just couldn't often afford it. As a result I drank West End draught, West End export, hated the Green death (Southwark) and then there was the...