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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Eater

    Downed Plane - Holy ****!

    Thats pretty lucky ;) tell em to get a lotto ticket immediately.
  2. Eater

    Mother Of Vinegar

    Ok because i have no idea what you are all talking about, has anyone got a good link for data from the net on this subject? (yes i can google fu, but trying to find "good" info still relies on a humans interpretation)
  3. Eater

    60l Techni Ice Esky

    Gday All Whilst trawling through deal of the day sites i came across this entry For 60L eskys Could be good for mash tuns or heaven forbid as an actual keep things cool esky Just thought i would share a heads up (if this is not...
  4. Eater

    The Truth About Low Carb Beer,finally

    Im moving to Brisbane soon, looking forward to a greater and more evenly priced range of great beers ;)
  5. Eater

    The Truth About Low Carb Beer,finally

    TMC , Burleigh do a BigHead beer that is measured as no carb, have tried it and it wasnt the worst i have ever drunk, did have a slight salty aftertaste though.
  6. Eater

    The Truth About Low Carb Beer,finally

    Just to see if this works, but can anyone see this link? Its a spreadsheet i have been slowly adding to as i come across things Hope it works
  7. Eater

    A Good Spirit To Try?

    Can also try the gift packed spirit samplers, giving a wide choice range, low volume outlay, at not much more than a single (decent) bottle cost. But yes so far for my own personal tastes Manticle and Tony are delivering great choices.
  8. Eater

    Continuing Jokes Thread

    Dude, now your reposting same jokes that appear on the same page ;) raven19 Mar 3 2011, 02:22 PM "Sitting in a bar the Scotsman says, "As good as.........." Although your standard and quality of other jokes is great, keep em coming.
  9. Eater

    Top Cropping Yeasts

    I certainly wouldnt want an angry David Banner in my fermenter....
  10. Eater

    What Are Your Costs (or Savings) In Home Brewing?

    I work 40 hour week on average for a result i would call less than satisfying. On a brew day i spend about 6 hours, including pre and post cleaning, for a result i call satisfying One earns me the money i need to do the other One lets me reset on a weekend to return to the other With the Yin...
  11. Eater

    Nt Brewers Question

    Certainly interested in any method to get malt up at a better rate than airbag or individual road freight packaging. Liquid yeasts im still prepared to air freight when available, and i recommend looking into that side of things thoroughly before committing to it.
  12. Eater

    Speidels Braumeister. Impressive Yes. Expensive Yes.

    Well done on your purchase, im sure it will bring you joy Now, what was your address again? *dons ninja garb*
  13. Eater


    All assuming you have a steel based ceramic topped tagine ( 4 lamb shanks 2 tins of tomatoes (i personally use the ones with basil and garlic pre added) medium mushrooms to suit your palate 1 small onion or shallots get...
  14. Eater

    No Topic Thread

    @petesbrew Change the CD rip conversion from aac or mp4 format to mp3 (edit, preferences, general tab then "import settings") , then right click on your podcasts and select convert to MP3. It will double up in your library, but you can reorganise to remove dupes later. This works for downloaded...
  15. Eater

    Wot Cheeses Me Off

    Capitalisation is the difference between "I had to help my uncle Jack off a horse.." and "I had to help my uncle jack off a horse.."
  16. Eater

    My New Fermenters Have Arrived

    Your can opener is here :P (full link )
  17. Eater

    My New Fermenters Have Arrived

    On standby for grain addition And i think i found a hops supplier
  18. Eater

    My New Fermenters Have Arrived

    Hi all New fermenters just got unloaded from the dock and transported in ;)
  19. Eater

    Kids Party Soda Keg

    can only offer the advice that is on the sodastream here, carbonate first then add the syrup. But im sure over a long period of time in a sealed keg it shouldnt make a hellavu difference, certainly does in the short term.
  20. Eater

    Darwin Brewing

    All good dude Just got back from Brisbane before the true floods were in effect, glad to see its finally calming back down a bit. No beer of sorts to mention apart from double batch darthweizen dunkel, of which im proud to say over the xmas break not much is left ;) tasty drop that one How is...